Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] with [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 The taxable transfer allowance , paid in addition to the disturbance allowance , is made in two stages ; half is paid to the employee with the first month 's salary in the new position and the remainder paid with the twelfth month 's salary in the new position .
2 Noting that the award corresponded with the 500th anniversary of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas , it said that this " was not a coincidence [ but ] … it was not the only factor " in the selection .
3 Its mystery does not affect the understanding of the Created God , for , to accord with the aims and claims of this book that mystery still rests in the pre-life period ; furthermore , it is possible to associate it with the concept of ‘ desire ’ put forward in the hypothesis associated with the Second Period .
4 Moreover , the contract compared with the first operation some three years ago was most significant .
5 The vote coincided with the 21st meeting of the JLG , which took place in Hong Kong on Dec. 3-5 .
6 If the originator has provided some issue identifiers in the SPR , it is sent to the manager of the package associated with the first valid issue referenced .
7 the package associated with the first valid Issue referenced
8 If the originator has provided some issue identifiers in the SPR , it is sent to the manager of the package associated with the first valid issue referenced .
9 The waiter arrived with the third bottle of Valpolicella and Urquhart poured himself a glass with the same relish as if it were his first .
10 The waiter arrived with the next course and they reverted to politics , talking Spanish again , Ward 's tone , his whole manner softened .
11 Further problems were encountered with the lexicon supplied with the second version .
12 The lexicon supplied with the first ANLT contained 6,800 morphemes and suffered from omissions .
13 The lexicon provided with the second version of the ANLT contains over 62,000 entries .
14 The head deals with the first , class teachers with the second , and there is little blurring at the edges .
15 Surely , however , the court dealt with the first stage wrongly .
16 All Safrane models offered in the UK come with the second generation Bosch 4-channel ABS braking system fitted as standard with ventilated front and solid rear discs .
17 Jo Durie also has the chance to progress with a first round match against fellow stalwart Liz Smylie , ranked four places below her .
18 The Southampton striker was expected to reject the chance to stay with the First Division strugglers .
19 The month opens with the 21st Guernsey International Air Rally , on October 2/4 .
20 The game coincides with the 30th anniversary of Oxford 's debut in the Football League .
21 The volume concludes with the first country-house poem published in English , an encomium of the countess 's estate at Cookham , in which the passing of the seasons suggests the ephemerality of patronage relations ; the walks bear ‘ summer Liveries ’ , and the prospect of hills and vales appears to ‘ preferre some strange unlook 'd for sute ’ only as long as their mistress is in residence .
22 The appearance of the leaflets coincided with the 10th anniversary of Sendero Luminoso 's commencement of its armed struggle .
23 He fell silent as the door to the dining room opened and one of the maids entered with the first course .
24 The motorcycle started with the first kick .
25 The heyday of the railways coincided with the last great age of monarchy .
26 They accompany the eurypterid arthropods ( which may have preyed upon them ) , and we can visualize the rivers and lakes of the time thronging with the first invaders from the sea .
27 Development revenue was expected to be almost Rps10,400,000 million , including programme aid of Rps1,500,000 million and project aid of Rps8,900,000 million — representing a reduction compared with the last budget .
28 This year many followers of Hardy will no doubt have been tempted , as a tribute linked with the 150th anniversary of the novelist 's birth , to visit his cottage at Higher Bockhampton in Dorset .
29 Mackworth ( 1950 ) , within his classical studies of vigilance , showed that without knowledge of results the proportion of detected signals decreased in succeeding half-hours compared with the first half-hour , but for subjects given knowledge of results there was no deterioration compared with the first half-hour through the full two hours of the study .
30 Meanwhile , the search for a star continues with the second heat on Monday , March 9 .
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