Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] with [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With the three other members of the quartet sadly now dead , Smailovic relished the opportunity to play with another musician and to further affirm the presence of cultural values in the city .
2 Most rowing clubs do n't insist on immediate payment of an annual membership fe ( usually between £80 and £100 ) and should give you the opportunity to train with other club members before making a commitment .
3 Naturally , we would be delighted to have the opportunity to work with Big Brother Inc .
4 It is the responsibility of fundholding general practices to decide priorities for research in the context of the population 's needs and the contracts set with each provider .
5 In the centrepiece is Christ , seated on a throne , and the remainder illustrates with extraordinary clarity and detail the Romanesque conception of heaven and hell , with the celestial delights for the fortunate and the demons clawing upwards to capture the souls of the damned .
6 It was as if , having seen the contents of Mr Broadhurst 's fitted cupboard , he were now prepared to allow me some knowledge of the rituals connected with this apparatus .
7 It was here that the wife of Prince Windischgrätz was killed by a stray bullet and this caused the prince to react with unnecessary violence against the protesters .
8 The CO chuckled with unashamed glee at the little joke he was about to make at Charles 's expense .
9 ‘ Sure , we can adapt and get the ball forward quickly when needs be , but that 's all about having the variety to cope with any situation .
10 Although the euphoria associated with automatic decision-making has largely gone , the more realistic concepts of decision-support systems and executive support systems have certainly not disappeared .
11 The change came with parliamentary reform in the nineteenth century and the emergence of large disciplined political parties in the 1860s and 1870s .
12 It is sometimes obscure and the writer confesses with some shame that he possessed for some forty years a Tudor binding with the cunningly interwoven initials ‘ R.B. ’ — those of an unidentified London binder working c.1550–81 .
13 ‘ I would not , ’ the Lieutenant said with cold courtesy , ‘ wish to feast on a Battle Brother who was not of my Chapter . ’
14 Figure 2.3 shows good examples of the psychophysiology associated with relaxed wakefulness and five internationally recognized stages of sleep — four slow wave sleep stages , numbered 1 to 4 , and stage REM ( rapid eye movement ) sleep which is associated with dreaming .
15 The development of NVQs and SVQs is underpinned by the assumption that in order for Britain to maintain and enhance its economic position in an increasingly competitive market it requires a more qualified , skilled , flexible and adaptable workforce capable of acquiring the competences to cope with changing technology and methods of work .
16 And the narrative extracted with such difficulty was not helpful .
17 The narrative begins with ancient technology and continues through Greek science , Islamic and medieval alchemy , Lavoisier and the development of atomic weighs and formulae .
18 The Canadians improved with each tie .
19 Scientists discovered the atom vibrates with more regularity than the earth turns on its axis .
20 ‘ Not only is the field littered with broken glass , ’ he explained patiently , ‘ but sharp flints , rocks and goodness knows what else .
21 Do they have trusted lieutenants to go into the field armed with such information ?
22 European attempts to reduce or cancel the debts met with American refusal — " They hired the money , did n't they ? " said President Coolidge .
23 A failure to address the nature of the society into which integration is being advocated reveals the fundamental weakness and inadequacy of much of the literature dealing with this issue .
24 a desk-study of the literature combined with intensive fieldwork in three areas ,
25 They treated little embarrassments such as their role in the gradual destruction of the ozone layer in the same way that the Vatican dealt with internal corruption : by brushing it under the carpet and pretending it never existed .
26 The first day of the offensive broke with cynical summer loveliness on a scene shortly to be one of unmitigated horror .
27 As I argued , the phenomena associated with upwards program inference are a plausible explication of that .
28 The main aim of their eight-week-long visit is to learn enough to set up a consultancy centre at the university as the Czechs , unused to the rising unemployment they now face , do not have the knowhow to cope with such upheaval .
29 As this model had some rather obvious shortcomings in that it identified the freedom to publish with individual property rights of purchase and sale of newspaper titles , it was necessary to overlay the libertarian ( laissez-faire ) position with an element of social conscience .
30 Those who argued its virtues saw in this new kind of school an opportunity to blend the best in primary and secondary habits and , in particular , to extend for two extra years some of the freedom associated with good primary-school practice .
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