Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] to an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If necessary , we will offer you the opportunity to transfer to an alternative holiday or cancel the holiday without penalty .
2 The concentration of artistic architectural masterworks , the variety of restaurants , even the energetic bustle of the crowds contribute to an irresistible energy .
3 As on Suilven , the ridge dips to an easy saddle and rises to an east top .
4 The scheme usually provides that consideration cheques remaining uncashed after a reasonable period ( often six months ) will be cancelled and the money transferred to an independent trustee in a separate interest-bearing bank account .
5 In doing so , we were particularly interested in the degree to which the proposals conformed to an evolving set of guidelines , and seemed likely to accord with the stated objectives of the project .
6 COMFORT The Duchess chats to an elderly woman patient during her visit
7 Although the fundamental relation of entailment holds between propositions , we shall use the term to refer to an analogous relation between sentences .
8 I promised at the outset , however , to show that reductive treatment of these features of the mind leads to an incoherent conception of the world , quite independently of the inadequacies of the reductions themselves : that is , even if the reduction of consciousness and thought were not independently flawed , the picture of the world that emerges is incoherent .
9 The signals from the switch go to an inverting DC coupled operational amplifier with lowpass filter characteristics through the addition of a capacitor in parallel with the feedback resistor .
10 By June 22 UN military observers stated that 16,642 contras had been disbanded , the figure rising to an estimated 19,197 by June 26 .
11 He said the car belonged to an elderly lady in Wokingham .
12 The car came to an abrupt halt .
13 During that time the passengers had been made to dismount and the car subjected to an exhaustive search .
14 The voices lowered to an indistinguishable mixture of near-sobbing and reassuring murmurs .
15 Prince Charles had intended to wait for Cumberland to attack , but after his troops had endured this merciless fire for 20 minutes or more one commander warned Lord George Murray that his men ‘ were turned so impatient that they were like to break their ranks ’ and the pretender agreed to an immediate attack .
16 The work led to an industrial dispute in South Sefton and a ballot on action in Mid-Staffordshire .
17 Officers from the child protection team and social services were called in after the girl turned to an elderly neighbour for help , Scotland Yard said .
18 Chiddingfold 's all-round strength proved too much for Hanworth and with Jonathan Fowler scoring four for the second week running , the visitors cantered to an easy victory .
19 The developer was eventually defeated through the planning system , where it was decided that the pub amounted to an important social amenity .
20 Subject to this , the law relating to an involuntary bailee may be stated as follows —
21 Trevelyan was clearly excited by the prospect of a new Palace of Whitehall , as not only was a large part of his evidence to the Committee devoted to an eloquent description of a monumental scheme he envisaged , but he also produced another scheme for the area in 1866 .
22 Unix Labs ' lawyers claim that the judge came to an incorrect conclusion of law based on an incorrect understanding of the facts over whether 32V Unix should have carried a copyright notice or not .
23 USL claims the judge came to an incorrect conclusion of law based on an incorrect understanding of the facts over whether 32V Unix should have carried a copyright notice or not .
24 The shelves come to an abrupt stop as the protruding land masses plunge into the depths .
25 With the Edwardian figure of Macmillan as leader of the party and the government , a man who had begun his career by advocating a dirigiste stance against the liberal economic tendencies of the Baldwin-Chamberlain era , the Conservatives looked to an interventionist strategy to stave off political and economic reversals .
26 The trials came to an abrupt end when local fisheries officers found the frozen remains of common dolphins and pilot whales on board the fishing boats .
27 The bawling came to an abrupt end as Thomas frowned first at him and then down at his hand .
28 The A415 , that 's the Abingdon Ring Road , that 's very busy there this evening , the junction with Colwell Drive there 's reduced ( ? ) there because of the road works , and also very heavy traffic in both directions between Abingdon and Dorchester on the Thames owing to an earlier accident .
29 The charge extends to an infinitesimal distance in the z direction so we shall call it a surface charge .
30 The difference led to an important conflict between town and country .
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