Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] in [art] first " in BNC.

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1 The interpretation put forward here is not fundamentally different from that offered by Jaynes when he suggested that a tendency to emit ( a fractional version of ) the response acquired in the first stage would serve as a mediating process in the second , and that the salience of the mediator would depend on the magnitude of the initial response of which it was a fraction .
2 Many of the latter are the forms mentioned in the first paragraph of this section as running parallel to the coast .
3 After all , our licence fee got the programmes made in the first place
4 In general , the patterns established in the First Temple Period were maintained .
5 Or was that where all the money went in the first place ?
6 But it hardly looked a bet as the Reds struggled in the first half in face of fluent football , much of which was inspired by Chelsea player manager Glenn Hoddle .
7 For example , one of the skills developed in the first few years of life involves the integration of data arriving through the different sensory channels .
8 So I think if you 've got the creativity to write in the first place , you just need to change , not so much the instrument , but maybe change the tuning or the pitch .
9 We will investigate the ways in which the NMGC has adjusted to the shifts analysed in the first part of the research , in respect to relations with central government and other agencies as well as in its professional practice management .
10 The candidates eliminated in the first round were Heide Schmidt , 43 , of the Freedom Party of Austria ( FPÖ ) , and Robert Jungk , 78 , the Green Alternative candidate .
11 It was by no means clear how the figure arose in the first place .
12 The elections were thus marked by a high rate of abstention : only 38.89 per cent of the electorate voted in the first round and 33.38 per cent in the second .
13 Their answers are more illuminating in this respect than the generalisation of the authors quoted in the first section of this paper .
14 However , the reformulation appeals to theoretical notions which the authors discuss in the first chapter of the book , and it is unlikely that what was said about mutual cognitive environments in the first chapter is accessible for use for the interpretation of a passage about style in the final chapter .
15 If the searched-for item is less than the mid-point ( for words this means the searched-for item comes earlier in the alphabet than the item at the mid-point ) , then the search continues in the first half of the structure , if it is greater , the search continues in the second half of the structure .
16 The poet writes in the first person singular as a man talking to a loved one about the inevitable advent of his death , and yet the matter discussed here is not so much death as the gradual disappearance of life .
17 And as you said , really some of the football played in the first half was quite delightful was n't it ?
18 Special provision should be made for the 2,000 or so full-time adult education staff , including LEA organizers , along the lines suggested in the first Haycocks Report .
19 Squashed between the driver and the mechanic on top of the engine housing in the first truck , we found ourselves in the role of unwitting umpires , keeping the two men from each other 's throats .
20 This is hot enough for fusion to occur but so far they have been unable to confine the hot plasma long enough and at high enough densities to generate more energy from fusion than is used to keep the machine working in the first place .
21 Masur does incidentally , even in this live performance , observe the exposition repeat in the first movement .
22 The help given in the first period of Addenbrookes , when the plaintiff had her own room and was for much of the time still in a coma , was clearly signifidant , significant , not only in caring for the plaintiff 's physical needs , but in giving the support and encouragement which no doubt contributed greatly to the plaintiff 's emergence from that coma .
23 Those Roebuck penalties apart , the only other scores from the Australians came in the first half , when strapping winger Damien Smith barged his way through two tackles to notch the game 's only try .
24 State socialism has not been very successful in transferring technology between countries , and has brought its own kind of exploitation ( as the Yugoslavs discovered in the first few years after the war ) .
25 Ultimately the test to be applied is that of the magistrates , and they may also take into account such factors as the likelihood that disorder might ensue as a result of what the defendants were doing , and the reasons prompting the constable to intervene in the first place .
26 In the end the Lord Chief Justice , Lord Widgery , found for the publishers on the ground that , although confidentiality could be enforced in suitable cases , this was not a suitable case : the matters revealed in the first volume of the Diaries , being ten years old , were too stale to have any security aspect .
27 Table 7.1 thus also supports the contention made in the first half hour of this chapter that short-term contract workers in the service sector are mainly " voluntary " temporary workers .
28 The Chancellor said in the first nine months of 1992–93 the Employment Service found jobs for 31,000 unemployed disabled people , 25 per cent more than in the same period of 1991–92 .
29 We return now to the question raised in the first part of the paper .
30 It was the products of American factories that kept the Allies supplied in the First World War ; it was American money that financed the Allied war effort and made the USA a creditor rather than a debtor nation by 1918 .
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