Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] [art] new [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The algorithm has a new variable , S , whose value is such a pair .
2 The addition creates a new strength for us in American nineteenth-century genre painting ’ , says Ms Neill .
3 ‘ THERE is no doubt that today we all have the opportunity to open a new chapter , ’ said Giovanni Agnelli , boss of Fiat , Italy 's largest private-sector company , in a speech in Venice last month .
4 One disadvantage of the departure from the planned scheme was , of course , the loss of the opportunity to compare the new pathway students with their colleagues continuing on a traditional course .
5 She ca n't know how I value my freedom , Donald , the freedom to do what I like and take advantage of the opportunity to explore a new city , learn a new language , try my hand at a way of life I did n't know existed .
6 The storms have speeded up the process of new though on such matters ; more or less overnight they have provided the opportunity to create a new order .
7 In other words , legislation offered the opportunity to begin a new programme of education for the working-class family .
8 Bush named Transport Secretary Samuel K. Skinner as his new Chief of Staff on Dec. 5 , and also took the opportunity to announce a new team to take responsibility for his re-election bid .
9 ‘ From our point of view we had the opportunity to start a new firm which had a client base already , and with ‘ support ’ from E&Y , ’ he explains .
10 The main motivation is the opportunity to meet a new audience , who have a friendly relationship with foreigners , especially in deep Russia .
11 An inscription on the base confirms the new destiny of the monument .
12 The Pentagon expects the new Blackjack strategic bomber , which has swing wings like those of the USAF 's B-I , but is bigger , to enter service in 1986 or 1987 .
13 The Yuppies presage the New Age .
14 This decision , which honours Cape Verde , has been interpreted by us as a recognition of the unwearying efforts the Capeverdian government and people are making in the struggle to build a new society based on social justice , progress and equal opportunity .
15 The skier carries a new model transceiver , the F1-plus , which can either be used for avalanche rescue , or switched to a lower frequency to receive the signal of the buried ski .
16 Allowing for stations under construction but yet to be commissioned , the board needs no new plant to be in place until 1997 in this scenario for energy growth .
17 The Board created a new Marketing Department in June 1992 which has been very active in seeking input to our awards from our overseas partners in education .
18 Perhaps it was a great help to me at this time that the RAF introduced a new trade into the Service — Metal Rigger — and to the horror of the old " Chippie Rigger " who fashioned the ancient wooden aircraft , and claimed " we used to have men of steel and kites of wood … sadly now the process has been reversed " .
19 The winner becomes the new Warboss .
20 " One summer 's morning in 1894 the National Amalgamated Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union was wound up ; its leaders then adjourned for lunch and a drink , re-entering the building in the afternoon to start a new union under a slightly different name " .
21 That was the day in October 1957 that Ken spent the afternoon rehearsing a new routine .
22 In Nielson-Jones v Fedden [ 1975 ] Ch 222 it was held that it was not sufficient for the husband and wife to sign a memorandum to the effect that the husband was to have a free hand to sell the property and use the money to buy a new house for himself although in Burgess v Rawnsley [ 1975 ] Ch 429 it was held that a beneficial joint tenancy was severed by the oral agreement of one joint tenant to sell her share in the property to the other even though that agreement was not specifically enforceable .
23 When Giorgio had descended on us that day in the train he had asked her to advance him the money to build the new car , and when she had turned him down he was furious .
24 ‘ We 've been waiting to move for a long time , and we need the money to build the new house . ’
25 Opening the case containing a new guitar from Patrick Eggle is , for me , a trying experience .
26 TYPE in the text to have the new format
27 TYPE in the text to have the new format ( tapping Enter at least twice at the ends of paragraphs )
28 This is n't the place to go into the details of the technology — turn to page 237 for the sordid facts — but it may be worth saying that the computer brings a new flexibility to the typesetting .
29 The computer has a new type of keyboard and an attractive design embossed on the monitor case which also carries the manufacturer 's stylized name .
30 Within days , the Germans launched a new peace offensive .
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