Example sentences of "[art] [adv] [v-ing] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Even if Bernard Stasi may be right in describing Jack Lang 's cultural policy as a ‘ spectacular performance played behind closed doors for the amusement of the prince and his obliging friends ’ , it will be a challenge to succeed him , the longest serving Minister of Culture of the Fifth Republic .
2 Orton was the longest serving prisoner of conscience in Africa .
3 Two papers by Fletcher et al ( p 622 ) and Hole et al ( p 609 ) in this week 's journal constitute the latest chapter in the slowly unfolding chronicle on hypertension and cancer .
4 Because the relative molar potency of caerulein compared with that of the naturally occurring cholecystokinin for gall bladder contraction is not known , decreased gall bladder contraction in the study of Fiorucci could have been masked by using caerulein .
5 When it is only a month or two old , the long dangling object in front of its face is obviously a puzzle to it .
6 On the contrary , her home is a cohesive force , perhaps the only cohesive force she can experience in the generally fragmenting world of adolescence .
7 ‘ Further tightening of credit conditions could tip the already slowing economy into recession , ’ the report says .
8 Electricity was still more expensive than gas on a ‘ heat-only ’ basis , but its cleanliness , relative cheapness of installation , and convenience were powerful selling factors , and the rapidly rising trend of gas prices was gradually narrowing the gap between them .
9 Having said this , I feel presently available guidelines underestimate rather than over-estimate the prevalence of dementia in the community , since in general no account is taken of the rapidly rising prevalence with age increases beyond 75 .
10 They watched the horses follow the tractor round the ever narrowing stand of corn in the centre of the field , and the tinkers who came to get work stood by with dogs and shot the rabbits that came surging out .
11 So skimmed milk is now easily available , since people have become more aware of the dangerously fattening potential of full-cream milk .
12 Mention should also be made of 72XX 2-8-2T 7229 , holder of the record for the fastest dismantling programme in preservation history , which is currently under long-term restoration in Bury yard .
13 In the heady fire of consummation Gina knew that the aching loneliness which had dogged her throughout her life was finally ended , her own desire rising to match Rune 's as their mutual need drowned them in the remorselessly rising tide of satisfaction .
14 On the other are ( mostly ) honest firms and markets groaning at the continuously mounting burden of regulation .
15 ‘ It is intended to enable parents to dovetail their career and family commitments and thereby to ease recruitment problems which are already being felt in all areas of commerce as a result of the steadily falling number of school leavers and graduates . ’
16 The only difference is that where the vaccine manufacturers use two strains of human flu viruses-one that grows well in hen 's eggs and the other with the currently circulating strain of flu virus so as to get the right antigens — the object in the latest work is to obtain a non-disease causing flu virus that will grow in humans but will also protect against the particular strain of wild type flu that is in circulation .
17 At this factory an immense research and development programme is headed by electronics wizard Bob Podhrasky , and in recent years more than $3 million has been pumped into the never ending pursuit of treasure hunting 's Holy Grail … the ‘ perfect ’ machine .
18 In a while we had drawn close enough to sight the planet itself — a slowly enlarging spot of brightness on the ceptor screens — by which time Posi had contacted the spaceport .
19 And she trembled , yielding , softening , flowering against him as a slowly swirling vortex of yearning began to build to an urgency .
20 Exuberantly believing that he alone was responsible for the separation and still moved by a powerfully purifying sense of goodness and rightness , Hope paid his modest bill the next morning , left a parting note for George , checked himself from asking to see Mary , promised — though he lied — to return and set off at a tremendous pace for Hause Point .
21 When a foot is damaged , the volley of nerve impulses produced by the damage and arriving in the spinal cord sets up a long lasting increase of excitability which shows up as an exaggerated flexion reflex , among other changes .
22 Bush promised legislation " this year " setting specific goals and timetables for the reduction of acid rain pollution , a long running source of disagreement between the two countries .
23 Sam King in Sounds said : ‘ No concessions at all — the bass is as bossy as ever , a constantly straining leash of rhythm , while Gedge 's guitar is as irritating as it 's always been . ’
24 In Britain , where suspicion of the army as a possible instrument of tyranny together with a generally rising level of prosperity made recruits unusually hard to obtain , this element was prominent .
25 He launched himself out of the chair to rescue a rapidly cooling cup of coffee , grimacing slightly in disgust as he indicated the pot .
26 For most of these young mothers , their parents have proved to be a more sustaining source of support than their baby 's father .
27 The pro-divorce camp were quick to spot the traditional Irish view that written laws and authoritative words have a radically structuring effect on reality .
28 Whether this is too optimistic or not , the phenomenon he describes and he could have added other examples , from Afro-American ‘ street-corner ’ vocal groups or Jamaican reggae , for instance — is clearly not amenable to an Adornian analysis , based on a dichotomy between a radically fragmenting division of labour , on the one hand , and an integrating individual consciousness , on the other .
29 There has , moreover , been a continuously rising trend of absenteeism since the plant opened .
30 Brown and Jackson ( 1982 ) , quoting a variety of sources , show a dramatically rising trend of government spending as a proportion of GNP at factor cost up to 1976 .
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