Example sentences of "[art] [adv] [adj] [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , the larger the body the less important become its non-gravitational forces in comparison with its internal gravitational forces .
2 And , of course , the more of them he fulfils , the more substantial becomes his own Messianic claim .
3 The more volatile the political situation in a particular state , the more difficult predicting its future actions will become .
4 It is ironic , as research into the feelings and behaviour of childless couples has shown , that the voluntarily childless often shield themselves from criticism by implying a fertility problem , whereas the involuntarily childless find it difficult to admit their infertility and leave others believing they have chosen to forgo the experience of parenthood .
5 Even the least sophisticated found it easy to blame the chronic unemployment which afflicted Britain on the war .
6 In the current anti-tycoon climate , there might be those who think it a little tactless to rob your own company 's pension fund to help you take over Bob Maxwell 's newspapers .
7 There is some merit in this of course , because there are several isomers of pentane and higher hydrocarbons , and it is a little confusing to call them all isopentane , isohexane etc .
8 ‘ I suppose it 's a little absurd to keep them all now . ’
9 If you have drawn an end position on the line , run down the beach a little wide to give yourself more room .
10 Despite his earlier protestations to Fakrid , he had begun to feel a little lonely pondering his various dilemmas .
11 On the first repetition ( but excluding the final period , in which all except a very few sold their entire post-production stock ) subjects either sold all their stock ( 317 occasions ) or none of their stock ( 112 occasions ) on 429 occasions out of a possible 672 occasions ( 64 group subjects + 32 individual subjects all multiplied by seven periods ) .
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