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1 This was first formulated by the philosopher John Austin in a series of lectures which are now collected into a short book with the deceptively simple title of How to do Things with Words ( Austin 1962 ) .
2 For a detailed discussion of how to make notes at lectures , see chapter 4 .
3 ‘ This takes the different tack of how to make money in IT , ’ Howell said .
4 How to predict employees ' mobility is examined together with how to improve attitudes towards company relocation and individual relocation at home and abroad .
5 The first known students of language in the Western tradition , the scholars of Greece and Rome , were aware of these different approaches too , and divided grammar from rhetoric , the former being concerned with the rules of language as an isolated object , the latter with how to do things with words , to achieve effects , and communicate successfully with people in particular contexts .
6 In the first section , " Beginnings ' , Petrey outlines the version of speech act theory presented by Austin in How To Do Things With Words ( 1962 ) .
7 Close co-operation between the three businesses resulted in a palette agreeable to all and some new ideas in how to present colours to customers .
8 Will help improve meeting and management skills and give advice on how to motivate volunteers in order to build a strong and effective branch .
9 Volumes have been written on how to divide work into departments or sections ; allocate responsibility and authority between different levels in the inevitable hierarchy ; control and co-ordinate the diverse contributions of different types of expertise and labour ; communicate within the structure so created , and plan the performance of organizational tasks .
10 First and foremost , however , he is a professional leader , having devoted years of experiential study on how to lead teams of people to great success .
11 I retaliated with detailed instructions on how to bowl off-breaks to left-handers on a drying pitch , and we eventually declared a truce as we watched the sun sink across the oil-storage tanks beyond the creek .
12 For detailed advice on how to stop crime in business see page 36 .
15 the introductory booklet has handy tips on how to colour mix with acrylic , taking the novice through some straightforward exercises which will help to familiarise the terms used when painting with acrylics and assist understanding of the paint texture and thinning properties .
16 They seek her advice on how to shift stains without bleach and how to go green on a budget .
17 The family health services authority 's role of advising general practitioners , both on improving their prescribing and on how to ensure value for money , will remain and they will be required to show the effectiveness of their interventions .
18 Law : Giving the lie to an old-fashioned hunch : Marcus Stone on how to tell truth from fiction
19 At the celebration banquet , Chapman pondered , as ever , on how to keep Arsenal on top , and looked forward to another championship the following year .
20 He bought used needles from drug takers , passed out new ones , and dispensed advice on how to sterilise needles with household bleach .
21 They cite the UGC 's decision on how to make cuts in university spending in 1981 .
22 Mental health services and indeed all ‘ human care ’ services could learn a lot from the more successful service businesses on how to maintain quality of services in multiple remote locations .
23 The Clinton administration has missed its self-imposed deadline of mid-August for presenting detailed proposals on how to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by the turn of the century .
24 The Mirror 's new tip on how to reduce staff in times of recession
25 It represented something new , sophisticated yet practical : guidance of great utility by the Ministry on how to handle problems of redevelopment , which gave a common , technical template to urban centres with similar problems .
26 Below , in Chapters 5 and 7 , we enlarge on what we have said here , as we make suggestions about how to present references in footnotes and booklists appended to your essay or dissertation .
27 She demonstrated a number of instruments from her large collection and talked about how to introduce children to music .
28 As Sage Associates , based in Oakland , California , the pair intend to peddle their know-how about how to make presentations to analysts to industry folk who , they say , are n't getting their message across .
29 It 's almost always about the sort of fringe things that happen in schools , the not strictly educational erm organisational matters about when to bring bits of equipment and which day the term 's going to finish , but very few schools put much into writing about how they teach maths , or what the children are going to be doing that term as a topic .
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