Example sentences of "[prep] [indef pn] [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The missed cues , the botching of business , the somewhat lumpy prancings of the Tiger Lily troupe counted for nothing beside the chilling authority of Hook and the strutting Peter , unearthly yet real of Mary Deare .
2 The Communist Party could apparently hope for little from the Socialist League and for nothing from the Labour Party .
3 His production of Mrs Warren 's Profession for the National Theatre in 1971 steered cunningly clear of melodrama ; his Much Ado About Nothing for the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1971 featured white parasols and sun-dappled lawns that seemed to evoke the world of Turgenev .
4 He sees the cost of effective management training as nothing against the true cost of incompetent management .
5 It finds a place for everyone within the divine purpose , regardless of their background , status or gender .
6 He may do it by actually ‘ clobbering ’ somebody , but this would imply a rather drastic escalation of the conflict situation and happens too rarely for everyone in the aggro-leader role to prove themselves .
7 He then became the resident guitarist at ECM and therefore has played guitar for everyone in the modern movement : for example , Paul Bley , Mike Gibbs , Eberhard Weber , Paul Motian and Jan Gabarek .
8 ‘ The concentration of expertise and interest ( in the committees ) mean that it is both rare and difficult for someone outside the relevant committee or committees to counter a report ’ .
9 Bob 's phone rang , and while he was talking Dyson , who was sitting back in his chair and waiting for someone at the other end of the line , covered up the mouthpiece of his phone and said , ‘ Are you coming to the funeral , Tess ? ’
10 I tipped the wink to a pal of mine who 's big in local government , and he managed to fix it for someone from the public health authority to write a letter full of threats and demands and legal gobbledegook .
11 There was always something for someone in the criminal world .
12 The figures in Appendix I , Table 4 suggest that paying off credit agreements typically absorbs roughly twice as high a proportion of income for someone in the lowest income group as it does for people in higher income groups .
13 For someone in the early stages of mastering Coke throat-burn like myself , this is impressive .
14 Again in the 45–60 age group , noticeably higher proportions of unmarried women were caring for someone in the same household , were the main carers of their disabled relatives and friends , and were caring for over twenty hours a week than were either their married or male counterparts ( Green , 1988 , pp. 9–10 ) .
15 Around 1.7 million of these were looking after someone in the same household ; 1.4 million were providing help or supervision for at least twenty hours a week ; and 3.7 million were carrying the main responsibility for providing that help ( Green , 1988 ) .
16 Could you write an article for somebody in the top year of your last school , about English A Level , and what they should be able to , what they should expect ?
17 Cheap petrol at present does not reflect the true environmental costs of global warming and the effects on the health of everyone from the atmospheric pollutants discharged by road vehicles .
18 The atmosphere consisted of nothing but the noxious fumes of burnt bodies : the recyclers could n't cope .
19 I walked as in a nightmare , aware of nothing but the few yards of tarmac ahead and stopping every few yards .
20 I thought of nothing except the great happiness of being with him for ever .
21 We were always out there looking for something new , trying to find any slight glimmer of someone with the same kind of ideas as us .
22 Second , the court held that marriage as an institution is , by definition , the association of someone of the male sex with someone of the female sex , gender having no relevance .
23 Perhaps after all it was nothing more than that the man reminded him of someone from the old days , and it was not unknown for people from the palace compound to slum in the harbour quarter now and then .
24 More of them were the sons or grandsons of someone in the Christian ministry .
25 Constance never forgot standing in front of one on the main staircase .
26 Divide the party players into pairs of roughly equal sizes and tie the right leg of one to the left leg of the other .
27 The Murcia ruling gave the PSOE 176 seats , a majority of one in the 350-seat Congress of Deputies .
28 In the latter group the picture was very similar , a replacement rate of one in the generation following the Black Death , below one in the sixty years before 1437 , and rising above it between then and the end of the century ( 104 , p.204 ) .
29 Bucharest 's shops are supplying a population deprived for years of everything but the poorest-quality basics .
30 I said that they must n't be sad because he had , after all , crammed so much into his short life , that his parties had given enormous pleasure to so many people , that Conor was the sort of person Jack Kerouac might have loved , he was one of the ones who are mad to live , desirous of everything at the same time , ‘ the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing , but burn , burn , burn , like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars ’ .
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