Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] he [vb mod] [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 When he was enthusiastic about a subject , and I imagined he would turn his back on anything about which he could not enthuse , he leant forward on his bar stool , his thigh beating against it .
2 So poor Willy was left in a situation where there was nobody to help him out with the f a full pool table for which he could n't get the key .
3 He was subject to influences for which he could not compensate ’ .
4 No look , every employee needs to be set standards of achievement below which he must not fall .
5 The Belgian watched the television , of which he could not understand a word .
6 In his dreams , Boyd Stych made a million for his son out of forty-storey apartment blocks , and was chased by a flying book the name of which he could not see .
7 So you were n't aware of what he could n't do , so much as what he could do and did do , and how little of it you could understand .
8 On the odd occasions I met him , I felt that he 'd adopted all these trappings to keep off a world with which he could not cope .
9 In my opinion it is no wider than that : the articles in which he may not canvass are the very articles in respect of which his employer employed him .
10 Mr Ashdown yesterday sought to provide himself with even more leeway in a hung parliament by outlining circumstances in which he would not feel bound to vote against a Queen 's Speech which did not contain PR .
11 My own belief , which is shared , oddly enough , by the head of the CIA , William Webster , is that sanctions would have eroded his military capacity so much that , given another nine months or so — assuming we has used that period for more flexible diplomacy , which we notably failed to do — then we could either have got him out by negotiation , or we could have promoted a situation inside Iraq in which he could n't fight .
12 He may suffer a severe personality change from which he might not recover .
13 A specific combination of sounds was ‘ sacred to a certain demon , for whom it has an unaccountable , mysterious , and irresistible fascination , from which he can not free himself . ’
14 For it was , in truth , as if his legs followed a route from which he could not turn them back — along the sales signs in Oxford Street occupied by a bedraggled army of Christmas bargain hunters , and off that up to the grandiose frontage of the hotel .
15 He had found nothing more , except that on the beaten earth of the floor there had been a single dark stain , from what he could not tell .
16 It encouraged him towards early independence and self-sufficiency without which he would not have got his career off to so quick a start ; and it must have contributed to the ease with which , to further that career , he uprooted himself first from South Africa and later from his adopted second homeland in Britain .
17 Assessing his father retrospectively with a mixture of filial compassion and uncompromising lucidity , Nizan remarked : My father depicted culture as power and wealth , as the one thing that he did not have and without which he could not become a bourgeois .
18 Her trick was to establish during the early part of the evening roughly where the man lived ; then to announce a destination for herself to which he could not suggest accompanying her without seeming over keen .
19 He said : ‘ He knows perfectly well how to hit the headlines and there seem to be no depths to which he will not plummet .
20 There was no issue on which he would n't take one side or other and preferably the minority , or losing side .
21 ‘ when , as is common , the state has a more summary remedy , such as distress , and the party indicates by protest that he is yielding to what he can not prevent , courts sometimes perhaps have been a little too slow to recognise the implied duress under which payment is made .
22 In these latter he can interpose his objections by way of defence , but when , as it common , the state has a more summary remedy , such as distress , and the party indicates by protest that he is yielding to what he can not prevent , courts sometimes perhaps have been a little too slow to recognise the implied duress under which payment is made .
23 In these latter he can interpose his objections by way of defence , but when , as is common , the state has a more summary remedy , such as distress , and the party indicates by protest that he is yielding to what he can not prevent , courts sometimes perhaps have been a little too slow to recognise the implied duress under which payment is made .
24 In these latter he can interpose his objections by way of defence , but when , as is common , the state has a more summary remedy , such as distress , and the party indicates by protest that he is yielding to what he can not prevent , courts sometimes perhaps have been a little too slow to recognise the implied duress under which payment is made .
25 Nostalgic for what he would not give twopence to see back
26 It hardly matters , given the man ; the essence , his core , a sly pederast ( Parker was a regular subscriber to magazines entitled such as Boy and Superboy , Kim and Pim ) ; he thought it best , and he felt safer ( it was his constant dread that the magazines — delivered from an English P.O. box number — should go adrift or burst in transit ) that as a cover-up he acted crude ; and he did it so well ( it might be a hateful zest for what he could not have ) that you would have never thought .
27 Hopeful for what he will not miss when it fails
28 Mr Asquith maintained that the Prime Minister and nobody else could preside over the War Committee , otherwise decisions might be arrived at which he could not agree to , which would result in friction and delay …
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