Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] [noun prp] [vb mod] [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Even mafic crust , for which Nd could range from high to low values , would still have a fairly high γ Os .
2 Bosch , with total sales of £12 billion last year , has 40 p.c. of the German market for wall-hung boilers and its products , some of which Worcester will make in Britain , are said to be complementary .
3 During the course of the coming months , the terms of what Henry could obtain in concessions from the French ( or at least from that branch of the body politic which was , at that moment , dominant ) were worked out .
4 Abraham was accepted by God in virtue of what Christ would do upon the cross by bearing the curse of the broken law upon his representative shoulders : men living after the cross could be accepted by God as they put their trust in what God had done for them through Jesus .
5 This is true in the same way that our ideal of what God can do in our lives is counterpoised by the actual human condition we find ourselves in .
6 In winter 1980–81 a Western specialist on South Asia , Selig Harrison , suggested that a formula involving the emergence of a provisional government in Afghanistan might win Soviet acceptance if could provide for arrangements under which Moscow could withdraw from that country in a phased fashion over several years and if the new Afghan government could return to the pre-1973 Soviet-tilted brand of neutralism .
7 But the Assembly had purely consultative powers and real authority rested in a Council of Ministers , created at the same time , in which Britain could rely on support , from the Scandinavians and others , for strictly inter-governmental co-operation .
8 Behind her on the altar was a reliquary in which Frederica could see through glass a bone or two — a shin , a forearm ?
9 There was now no way in which Stephen could learn of her indiscretion .
10 THE debate on ways in which Merseyside might benefit from up to £1bn in EC grants is being opened up to a wider audience in a novel fashion later this month .
11 These two true stories reflect the way in which God can break into the closed world of the self .
12 According to Bede , Eorcenberht ( 640–64 ) ruled the kingdom ‘ most nobly ’ ( HE III , 8 ) and his son and successor , Ecgberht ( 664–73 ) , afforded a secure base from which Theodore could embark as archbishop of Canterbury on his work of ecclesiastical reorganization .
13 In addition , there is the experimental urban crime fund , from which Northumbria can benefit by £3.66 million .
14 But the other one seemed familiar , at least from what Jessica could see of her reflection .
15 Apart from what Dora would see as a disaster for her friend , her own life-style could be on the line .
16 Sex between Henry and Elinor had come to a halt some four or five years ago and , from what Henry could remember about it , it was something that was better discontinued .
17 Conceptions of a better world over which Christ would reign for a thousand years ( the millennium ) were later secularized to yield visions of a purely earthly utopia , in which a perfect human society might be possible in the absence of coercive measures .
18 By late March divisions were appearing between members of the 12-party Unity Assembly ( Group of 12 — see p. 37313 ) over the extent to which Pascal-Trouillot should consult with the Council of State and over the alleged influence of Duvalierists or Duvalierist sympathizers in her administration .
19 The only practical question ‘ , he wrote in a letter to Churchill on 2 February 1925 , ‘ is the date ’ , by which he meant the day on which Britain would return to the Gold Standard .
20 Also they do not believe that our experience ( as , for example , that a woman 's ministry feels good and appropriate ) is a reliable guide to what God may want for his Church .
21 Alan Middleton has recently moved to Aberdeen with Christian Literature Crusade , pray that he would settle into his new role in that place and that Alan would be open to what God would do through him in the coming months .
22 We need to be open to what God would say to us through our link missionaries .
23 We need to be open to what God would say to us through our link missionaries .
24 Followers are still guessing as to what Hanson will do with its ICI stake .
25 There was never any question about what Adam would read at Oxford .
26 " Well , " Starke began , and started talking about what Steven should do about registering as unemployed .
27 While France stands shoulder to shoulder with Germany , and the two countries together account for half the EC output , the exchange rate mechanism will survive , representing a beacon of hope for federalists who still see a common currency as the bridge across which Europe must pass to a federal future , and a baleful threat for the sovereign Britishers , who see it as a black hole which could draw EC members inexorably into the same destiny .
28 Culture , religion , art , war , economics — these successively became the avenues by which Germany could escape from her status as a political pygmy .
29 Instead , he believed in a sort of reverse assimilation by which Vietnam would emerge as a modern nation assisted , or at least not impeded , by a beneficent France .
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