Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] [modal v] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 It is very worrying in terms of what may happen in the northern hemisphere " .
2 Rostov decided that it was easier to go in search of what would pass in the Simonova for a command bridge than it was to remain in his quarters , while Vorontseff attempted to eradicate within the space of an hour the accumulated disarray of several years of civilian occupation .
3 Fears of what might happen in the East are one reason EC leaders have been willing to offer some help to those on the other side of the broken Berlin Wall .
4 That is my view of what will happen in the Common Market , especially now that there are 5 million homeless people in the Community and on its borders .
5 One example of access to certain parts of the British census of 1971 ( Schürer 1993 ) is a reminder of what can happen in the most favourable environments , whilst the account of the situation of Soviet and Russian data indicates how dependent electronic data is upon organizational structures ( Moiseenko 1993 ) .
6 In this exciting , optimistic approach it is important to have the ability to create pictures of what could happen in the future — ideal solutions and potential achievement .
7 It was a well-known story among City men and was often told as an example of what used to happen in the bad old days of ten years ago — and what , by implication , could never happen now .
8 Any individual is entitled to follow any faith he chooses — or even none at all — but this should be done sincerely and not simply as some sort of ‘ insurance policy ’ against whatever may arise in the future .
9 Making forecasts in this and other areas is the actuary 's stock-in-trade for the profession is essentially concerned with what may happen in the future rather than balancing the books of the past .
10 As to which will prevail in the longer term , the jury remains out until NT makes its official appearance in 1993 .
11 Having been responsible for recruiting patients to one of the landmark studies in this field , which Alberto Maran and colleagues reference , I can testify to what can happen in the heat of combat .
12 Many local folk who earned their living on or from the river were still worried about what would happen in the end , but one man busy in his small yard behind the bustling Tower Bridge Road market did not give international events a second thought .
13 As yet , no one was prepared to worry about what might happen in the distant future .
14 The new tenants have no rules about what should happen in the pub .
15 Once that knowledge is gained , it can be used to explain events in the natural world , to make predictions about what will happen in the natural world , and thus to control that world and make it behave in ways that are , at least in theory , to the advantage of the controllers .
16 As their name may suggest , the rules provide for what may happen in the event of a clearing member " appearing to the Clearing House to be unable , or to be likely to become unable , to meet his obligations in respect of one or more Contracts " .
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