Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] [pron] could [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 When he was enthusiastic about a subject , and I imagined he would turn his back on anything about which he could not enthuse , he leant forward on his bar stool , his thigh beating against it .
2 He turned around and stared at her with that insufferable thoroughness , which was downright rude , but about which she could n't complain .
3 I wondered what it was that could come between a husband and wife when their child killed herself away from home and in circumstances for which they could not hold themselves in any way responsible .
4 These developed from the legal concept of ultra vires ( beyond the strength ) which , since the mid nineteenth century , had prohibited local councils from doing anything for which they could not show precise legal authority .
5 So poor Willy was left in a situation where there was nobody to help him out with the f a full pool table for which he could n't get the key .
6 He was subject to influences for which he could not compensate ’ .
7 The Belgian watched the television , of which he could not understand a word .
8 In his dreams , Boyd Stych made a million for his son out of forty-storey apartment blocks , and was chased by a flying book the name of which he could not see .
9 A ten For the next hour I took delivery of many additional purchases , the vast majority of which I could n't remember purchasing .
10 And the scene of the burning of the books , seen on film by her many times , was as vivid as an actual memory : Hitler 's jack-booted thugs in their brown shirts , swastikas on their arms , heaving the books from the Library and heaping the heritage of the world on to a pyre , dancing and gloating as the flames consumed book after book , volume after volume : Heine , Schiller , Brecht , Thomas Mann , Einstein , Freud , Marx : history , poetry , novels , science , the works of philosophers , psychologists — men and women who had dedicated their lives for the betterment of the brutes who burned their books ; brutes living in utter ignorance , leading lives as dull and limited as the beasts of the fields , inspired only by resentment , vile prejudice , and blind hatred of what they could not understand , and , it was true , victims themselves of poverty and ignorance seeking victims in their turn — and finding them .
11 Dr Neil turned away from inspecting his own bookshelves , said , apropos of what she could not imagine , ‘ You are not English , I perceive , Miss McAllister . ’
12 So you were n't aware of what he could n't do , so much as what he could do and did do , and how little of it you could understand .
13 On the odd occasions I met him , I felt that he 'd adopted all these trappings to keep off a world with which he could not cope .
14 Instead of a telling-off , with time to put things right , TDC found itself under a much more strict court order with which it could not negotiate and which gave it little flexibility .
15 It was the kind of rabbit warren in which you could not swing a cat and there were thousands of them in the city .
16 My own belief , which is shared , oddly enough , by the head of the CIA , William Webster , is that sanctions would have eroded his military capacity so much that , given another nine months or so — assuming we has used that period for more flexible diplomacy , which we notably failed to do — then we could either have got him out by negotiation , or we could have promoted a situation inside Iraq in which he could n't fight .
17 If only there were some way in which she could let him know that his feelings for her were not something for which he needed to apologise without landing them both in a situation from which they could not retreat .
18 For it was , in truth , as if his legs followed a route from which he could not turn them back — along the sales signs in Oxford Street occupied by a bedraggled army of Christmas bargain hunters , and off that up to the grandiose frontage of the hotel .
19 He had found nothing more , except that on the beaten earth of the floor there had been a single dark stain , from what he could not tell .
20 The centre proved incapable of controlling levels of local spending to the extent which supporters of restraint had hoped , but local governments also came to accept new parameters beyond which they could not stray .
21 It then became conceivable that time might simply not be defined before a certain point ; as one goes back in time , one might come to an insurmountable barrier , a singularity , beyond which one could not go .
22 We remember the great names like Lyell or Darwin , and forget the supporting cast without which they could not have been stars : those in museums classifying their findings .
23 We tend to take our water for granted , a turn of the tap and we have all we need , but we should consider more this most important mineral , without which we could not exist , the dry summer of 1976 proving how much we owe to water companies and the men who operate them .
24 Assessing his father retrospectively with a mixture of filial compassion and uncompromising lucidity , Nizan remarked : My father depicted culture as power and wealth , as the one thing that he did not have and without which he could not become a bourgeois .
25 The following morning saw me back at the surgery in order to collect not only my screwdriver but also the death certificate , duly signed by two doctors ( yes , they had managed to find the mortuary ) , without which I could not obtain a Registration of Death certificate , without which Nigel could not be cremated .
26 It was n't only the money , but her library card , her family allowance book , the receipt from the repair shop without which she could n't get her watch back , creased photographs , with Edward 's own photograph among them , her address book , almost the whole sum of her identity .
27 Like her French contemporaries Elizabeth Vigee-Lebrun or Adelaide Labille-Guiard , Angelica Kauffman was caught up in the contradictory politics of class and gender through the elite patronage without which she could not work .
28 But then one of their number was cut down by musket fire , to which they could not reply , for , clinging to the side , they had no hands free .
29 Most of the students were able to answer most of the questions but , as you would expect , many of the viewers had one or more questions to which they could not remember the answer .
30 Some of them brought to it a breadth of experience of teaching to which we could not lay claim .
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