Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [adj] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Further , even when the virtue of a feminine personae is not questioned ( as in the case of Belgae or Eirena ) , the rule of a woman is shown to be insufficient to combat the irreligious evil which had gained control of their land .
2 On various occasions the resources of the EC have proved to be inadequate to meet the growing demands placed upon the budget .
3 Although the method of distributing the resources is tightly constrained by statute there is considerable freedom , within the sharply focused political accountability of the Community Charge , to determine at the local level the quantum to be available to meet the identified local needs .
4 For the moment they had to be content to occupy the episcopal city and from there keep a watchful eye on their enemies .
5 Service of a notice of severance ( see Precedent 12 ) would appear to be effective to sever the joint tenancy if properly addressed to the other joint tenant and received at the property concerned .
6 But since it seems to be possible to analyse the black community as a whole as consisting of overlapping sets of relatively closeknit groups , the network variable is rather more helpful in describing the relationship between linguistic variability and non-linguistic differences between speakers .
7 And the Reverend Armitage was reported to be obliged to leave the 11th green with lumbago while playing for Henley in its first match with Maidenhead .
8 Jennie told Katharine not to be afraid to use the outside rein quite strongly when he was over bending .
9 Students must have successfully completed/or gained APL for 50% of the areas of study for the Certificate Programme and have undertaken ( or undertake within the subsequent two months ) the assessments for the remaining areas of study of the Certificate Programme in order to be eligible to sit the final Case Study ( unseen ) paper .
10 Liverpool boss Graeme Souness was said to be willing to use the 25-year-old Londoner as bait for Queens Park Rangers ' , coveted striker Les Ferdinand .
11 The West German Chancellor also fell into line with his French allies by agreeing that the Community should try to be ready to implement the economic union when the single market came fully into operation on January 1 , 1993 .
12 Their inner mood must remain one of complete alertness to be ready to make the final dash to safety .
13 It was great to be able to report the following month , that the treehouse survived the terrible storms early that year .
14 To draw a figure looking relaxed or with movement in it you 've go to be able to draw the nude very well . ’
15 The weather is perfect and we are now experienced enough mushers to be able to enjoy the high speeds without anxiety .
16 Although Gaumont-British also declared a loss in 1937 , of £98,000 , Balcon 's departure from the company was precipitated by the prospect of Maxwell , a man whose production philosophy he abhorred , taking a stake in the company , and a general sense that he was n't going to be able to continue the same broad-based production policy as before .
17 Such a system is needed in order to be able to use the right-hand path in Figure 11.6 .
18 Anyone who has completed the City and Guilds course , or who can confidently design their own garments with a charting device for instance , should have sufficient knowledge to be able to use the Professional program .
19 The general public was to be able to use the royal posts on certain of the roads out of London ; there were to be fixed rates of postage ( to defray the cost of salaried postmasters ) ; and horse posts ( which were to travel at the rate of 120 miles in twenty-four hours ) were substituted for foot posts ( which travelled at the rate of 16 or 18 miles a day ) .
20 I needed all the possible length to be able to wear the fixed-position hip belt correctly .
21 Apart from isolating the movements of pelvic tilting , knee bending and straightening , and foot mobility , the patient is taught to transfer his weight onto one leg , in order to be able to move the other leg away safely .
22 The idea is to be able to move the entire squadron and its vehicles within a twenty four hour period … as battle conditions demand .
23 Bureaucracy and formalism are enemies of creativity and innovation , but nevertheless we do need formal procedures and routines to be able to utilize the creative potential existing in the organization .
24 Library co-operatives rarely require much financial outlay but a minimum resource required is some staff time , and it seems likely that authorities with designated training officers ( or teams ) , are going to be in a much stronger position to be able to utilize the considerable potential possibilities of library co-operatives .
25 Some of the awkwardness in Anglo-American relations had been dispelled by a combination of circumstances ; James Byrnes had been replaced as US Secretary of State by the anglophile General George Marshall ; Britain , for her part , had supported the launch of the Marshall Plan in Western Europe ; and the Americans were beginning to appreciate that they were unlikely to be able to tame the malign hostility of the Soviet Union as Roosevelt had once hoped .
26 ‘ Drivers want to be able to put the same smart card in a holder ( or a different card in the same holder ) whether driving in the Netherlands or on a French autoroute , ’ says Ian Catling , a member of an EC group which is ensuring that electronic Babel is avoided on the roads .
27 The cabin light was on and Fen was bending over her , disturbingly close , close enough for her to be able to see the individual pores in his swarthy skin .
28 Also if the focus is on an ability to communicate then it is better to be able to see the visual as well as the aural aspects of the interaction .
29 You sit high in any case and it 's just as well — you need to be able to see the big car 's extremities .
30 You were looking at the beetle world in such a way as to be able to see the third dimension .
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