Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] them [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Severe overcrowding in the urban areas was usually cited as the reason for keeping them in the countryside , but there were probably underlying political motives .
2 If the user has the authority to do so , modules may be entered into LIFESPAN after including them in the module header of a package and instructing LIFESPAN to enter them .
3 ‘ Winning the Ulster final of the Barton Shield against Warrenpoint was a bit of a fairytale , after defeating them in the final of the Senior Cup !
4 All in all , it is in no way surprising that Nietzsche should have put them to one side soon after writing them at the turn of the year .
5 Celtic 's offer of around eighty thousand pounds stands and Macari is now considering a package to take him from Stoke City where he 's a firm favourite with the fans after leading them into the English First Division .
6 Still 's wretched luck initially followed him into management when he was replaced as Maidstone boss immediately after taking them into the Football League in 1989 .
7 A body builder who tackled two armed raiders single-handed , after chasing them through the streets in his car has been hailed as a hero .
8 After putting them on the rail the sellers sent the buyers an invoice stating ‘ At sole risk of purchaser after putting fish on rail here . ’
9 Collins , the pint-sized No 10 who used to skipper Leeds , assessed their European chances after watching them in the Makita Tournament : ‘ While they lost to Sampdoria , they never played the way they usually play .
10 Each local authority was required to estimate the needs of primary , secondary and further education in its area , and to submit plans for meeting them to the ministry .
11 Yet both museums blame the politicians for pushing them to the edge .
12 1982:Ch. 3 ) , but there was no possibility of using them as the basis for a reorganised local government structure .
13 The Museum also has two General Electric 1–16 engines ( one reportedly restored to operational status ) and , at one time , was exploring the possibility of remounting them in the aircraft in order to make some taxi runs .
14 We need therefore to consider policies which integrate older workers into society , either in terms of maintaining them in the workplace or facilitating options which develop new social roles which may or may not have a work element .
15 The Padre , consulted as to the propriety of firing them at the enemy , had given his opinion that they could perfectly well be fired and that they , or any other such popish or Tractarian objects , would very likely wreak terrible havoc .
16 She wondered if there was the faintest chance of impressing them with the significance of her position .
17 But here they are , at the start of chapter 16 , wishing aloud that God had not passed them by on that dreadful night in Egypt , accusing Moses , accusing Moses , of bringing them into the desert to die !
18 Coleman knew them already — they had been to see him at the University of Alabama while planning the trip — and so it was natural enough that he should now take on the chore of shepherding them around the island during their stay .
19 This section discusses ELT video materials under these headings as a way of relating them to the roles we can give video in the classroom .
20 Later , after he had been influenced by certain paintings by Cézanne , Picasso began to treat solid forms in a more arbitrary , empirical or experimental fashion and to explore the possibilities of representing them without the aid of traditional perspective .
21 Secondly , as the weights are derived from analysis of individuals there is a serious problem of applying them at the level of wards or districts where the information is readily available only in aggregate .
22 The trouble was this : although the native dispenser had applied Dr Dunstaple 's treatments on numerous occasions under his direction , he was overcome by stage-fright at the prospect of applying them to the Doctor Sahib himself .
23 ‘ So what I think we 've got to do , ’ says Howard , ‘ is to set up a society where everyone has enough sort of … contentment … to be sort of contented , but not so much that they ca n't see that all this sort of contentment is sort of blinding them to the possibility of becoming sort of more contented in a sort of kind of deeper sort of … ’
24 Before I go on to deal with the other submissions which have been made , particularly those by Mr. Clough , who appears for the local authority , to support his submission that the order was wrong on the merits , there is one further aspect of the justices ' order and that is the second ground of appeal where it is said that the justices ought to have given the parties the opportunity of addressing them on the question as to whether prohibited steps orders rather than an interim care order , or rather than no order at all , should or could be made .
25 Though it is impossible to date the provisions with any confidence , in favour of dating them in the reign of Mehmed II is the fact that Sultan Murad III ( 982–1003/1574–95 ) , in a firman sent to his Grand Vezir in 985/1577 in connection with reform of the learned profession , speaks of " the ancient law ( kanun ) of Sultan Mehmed Gazi " : it thus seems likely that Mehmed II promulgated some legislation concerning the learned profession , if not these actual provisions .
26 A Microsoft Corp staffer is reported to have told Sun Microsystems Inc that Microsoft would make Windows such a moving target that Sun , with its WABI Windows Application Binary Interface , could not keep up ( CI No 2,147 ) : if the tale is true and Microsoft means it , it means that the company has learned a little too well from its long cohabitation with IBM , and that the seeds of its own destruction are now being sown — for years , IBM added features and tweaked its mainframes with no thought of improving them from the user 's point of view , but simply to trip up competitors , and once a dominant company starts resorting to such tactics , it fatally injures the regard with which it is held by the outside world , and is embarking on the slippery slope that leads to the debacle IBM finds itself in today .
27 With subsequent context , however , even this can be interpreted as mediated through the mind of Pemberton , who after all is able to draw his own conclusions from Mrs Moreen 's fairly obvious strategy of ridding them of the boy 's company .
28 Now if you know that somebody is a drug addict and they 've just had an injection you keep away from them , erm if they 're having a bad trip , whatever they call it , because you do n't , they become very violent , they can do a lot of damage , now the only time you will step in and help is when they go unconscious , but at the same time remember protect yourself , we 're talking about needles here and probably shared needles , you must be terribly careful that you do not get pricked by a needle , especially if , they have a habit of sticking needles under lapels , so always be aware of this , if a person is a drug addict , in fact if you can find some easier way of turning them into the recovery position , do so , erm , you can then obviously either call the ambulance .
29 He 'd washed his hair and piled all his plastic carrier bags into a corner instead of strewing them through the house like the clues of a treasure-hunt .
30 ‘ That 's what comes of feeding them at the table , ’ Michele remarked .
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