Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [pn reflx] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Whittingham joined Pompey four years ago after buying himself out of the Army for £450 .
2 and they come to MPs like me to try and find some way of helping themselves out of the dilemma .
3 His spirit had not been broken ; rather he was afraid of tearing himself apart with the involuntary jerking of one side of his limbs in the opposite direction to the other .
4 This deed somehow necessitated a second manoeuvre , that of picking myself up off the floor .
5 In fact there 's been some discussion of this lately , John Elston has argued that if jurors knew that that 's why they were chosen to go on the jury , it would destabilize the princi the practice of it because if you knew you were going on jury just for self-education rather than to get the right results out the other end , then this would n't give you any way of motivating yourself properly for the jury .
6 Obviously the car must contain some high-ranking officer , probably a general , who would not be at all pleased to find an important branch of M.I.9 in the process of closing itself down for the weekend early on a Saturday morning .
7 Wivenhoe 's only chance of hauling themselves back into the match came in the 48th minute when Gray was pulled down by keeper Caskey , who then saved the spot kick from Abrahams .
8 This makes recovery , especially from word initial errors , extremely difficult , since the matching process has no way of realigning itself correctly with the input .
9 I waited for another few seconds and then crossed the landing to my own flat where I completed my own process of locking myself in for the night .
10 And of entrusting ourselves in to the power of his mercy .
11 ‘ I do n't want to make a big thing about holing myself up in the middle of nowhere , but people are asking me where I 've been and I ca n't really say I 've been touring the Far East or helping Bob ( we think he means Dylan — Ed ) with his album .
12 At least financial agencies have some pressure to provide funds at competitive rates , and builders to guard against pricing themselves out of the market , but landowners just have to sit on the land until they get the price they demand .
13 Its articulation is easier and hence its flexibility is greater than that of the trumpet , but its proper place is the brass or wind band and it has not succeeded in establishing itself permanently in the orchestra .
14 There is another , more subtle effect of exercise which is to be gained from pushing ourselves periodically to the limits of our endurance , and beyond .
15 Their foregrounding of this unreality , their knowing winks , are actually an abstention from immersing themselves fully in the ‘ pop process ’ in all its madness , carnality and glamour .
16 But our focus is primarily upon people , not places as such ; the male survivors of the next generation of Titfords succeeded in wrenching themselves away from the town which had been home for their ancestors for over a hundred and seventy years — and we have no choice but to follow them .
17 Unfortunately for his cause he succeeded in alienating many of the gentry who might otherwise have supported him and in tying himself up in the increasingly convoluted legal knots with which the later Tudors sought to define their rights .
18 That was how it had been , perhaps that was where it had started , thought Liz , as she stared into past and future , before jerking herself back into the present , which now stood at 20.22 .
19 He belonged to the old-fashioned generation which believed in covering itself carefully from the sun .
20 It allows the vehicle to manoeuvre without tearing itself apart on the back axle .
21 She did not like flying and the mental energy involved in getting through the ordeal without flinging herself down in the aisle and drumming her heels was considerable .
22 " Returnees " were told that they would be well treated on giving themselves up to the local authorities .
23 But that is the risk one runs when , as has been the case over the last ten years , one feels duty-bound to give an immediate account of what is going on , without distancing oneself sufficiently from the subject matter .
24 But the day had insisted on playing itself out in the idyllic pastoral mode .
25 The former '80s high flier is already well on the way to digging itself out of the mess it got itself into a few years back .
26 But equally there is the option of differentiation , which is about setting oneself apart from the norm , not simply to criticize and condemn it but to set up an alternative and different model .
27 Certain snakes and lizards are highly efficient at wriggling themselves down into the sand or gravel in such a way that only the tops of their heads and their eyes remain exposed to view .
28 Successful candidates were those who were good at selling themselves personally to the voters .
29 The Sheffield Wednesday striker was livid at finding himself back on the bench just 28 minutes after being sent on as a second-half substitute at Norwich on Saturday .
30 A group in the chaotic stage tries to overcome uncertainty and ambiguity by flinging itself headlong into the task in hand without giving enough , if any , attention to the process .
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