Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [adv prt] with the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Winona Ryder is the reluctant member of the elite ‘ Heathers ’ crowd who becomes an unwitting murderess after hooking up with the new boy at school , rough diamond Christian Slater — giving his best Jack Nicholson impersonation .
2 of getting on with the five years plans they 've put too much effort into producing war machines !
3 Management gurus have done their best , picking over the bones of ‘ world-class ’ firms in the hope of coming up with the Magic Formula .
4 There was just time for England and Australia to fit in the final Test before getting on with the serious business — serious to those for whom dollar signs are important — of dashing round the country playing game after game after game of the Benson and Hedges World Series Cup .
5 OK , by now you 've lost valuable time and probably irritated the entire panel by dithering instead of being sure of what you 're going to say , quite apart from getting on with the actual pieces you have learned .
6 His plan was based on the marine lieutenant landing at the Old Quay slipway in the North Harbour and creating a diversion there , while Jones himself landed , undetected it was hoped , on the south foreshore , put the battery there out of action and then , passing round the town , knocked out the North Battery , before joining up with the other party to burn the shipping in both harbours .
7 DEAN RICHARDS and Martin Bayfield both gave England team manager Geoff Cooke a scare before joining up with the Grand Slam squad .
8 Sergeant Bramble was so engrossed in mouthing along with the Daily Express that he did not notice the opening of the door .
9 When Mrs Jones says : ‘ My Johnny is really a good boy but got to running around with the wrong bunch and got into trouble ’ , she is making a set of assumptions which , when spelled out more explicitly , constitute the foundations of an important school of thought in the scientific study of juvenile delinquency .
10 Obviously he 'd decided it was worth putting up with the foul-smelling smoke for the sake of picking Michael 's experienced brain .
11 There was a time , I think , in the late sixties , when erm the education service did itself very little good by going along with the general mythology that you had only to put more money into the schools to service , to solve all social problems .
12 The BBC itself , via its Enterprises section , rescued the day by coming up with the other half of a total £450,000 budget .
13 Tatung Science & Technology Inc has responded to Sun Microsystems Sparcstation 10 announcements by coming out with the Super Compstation 10 Series , a line of seven MBus-based workstations .
14 Tatung Science & Technology Inc has responded to Sun Microsystems Sparcstation 10 announcements by coming out with the Super Compstation 10 Series , a line of seven MBus-based workstations .
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