Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [adv prt] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The immediate remedy is usually to petition for winding up in the public interest , so that a provisional liquidator ( the Official Receiver ) can be appointed , halting the company 's activities .
2 By the mid-1970s our collective view was that , with a few notable exceptions , Soviet technology was on a distinctly inferior plane to that found in the major Western industrial countries and , moreover , had shown no signs of catching up in the previous 15–20 years .
3 One or two of the old films are now on CD video because they are important documents of certain artists , but the way we are filming and editing the films I am now making is completely different We have learnt a very great deal in these years and so we forget about the older films just as you would n't dream of driving around in a thirty-year-old car .
4 Oh yes they did for , for the increase in traffic I mean that er that er went on over the years gradually creep , creep , creep on until the whole atmosphere of the place was er I do n't know improved should you say or not I do n't know whether it 's er well it certainly has n't improved but erm it changed , it was such a lovely little place really , and of course you could run across the road whenever you liked I mean we used to play in Street of picking out in a sweet shop window er a name be Cadbury 's or chocolate or something you 'd be standing across the road and you 'd be running backwards and forwards backwards and forwards , there was no sign of anyone getting run over cos there was nothing about , and when I was a kid going to the Bluecoat School I 'd run across that bridge every morning without looking right or left , because if anything had hit me , well nothing used to be coming you could see a tram coming but oh there was nothing else at that time in the morning oh no it was , would n't like to run across today .
5 Not to dream of playing at Valderrama again ( I 'm tired of waking up in a cold sweat ) .
6 It 's a struggle with young people , alongside them as they experience the pleasures and pains , the excitements and disappointments of growing up in a hostile world .
7 I did that because I got an amazing about of money and to be honest I rather liked the idea of swanning around in a special effects car .
8 Parents there voted overwhelmingly against opting out in the final ballot .
9 The squawking continued for a moment before dying out in a final gurgle as Rev. Levitt recited the prescribed blessing .
10 The pair had never met before teaming up in a new-look Reds attack .
11 Contract tummy muscles before coming up in a controlled manner , exhaling as effort is made .
12 The main objectives of policy are , first , to enable the demand to be met in the right places , while preventing sites from springing up in the wrong places ; and , second , to allow caravan sites , where permitted , to be established on a permanent or long-term basis , in order to facilitate the provision of proper services and equipment and to allow the occupants reasonable security of tenure .
13 There are , of course , specific Israeli laws to stop Damiani and Abu Khadra and Mrs Zamzam from crossing back in the other direction .
14 However , when I took to hanging about in the new house , when I watched her while she chatted to her staff and guests , or entertained the local burghers , or genteelly remonstrated with her suppliers and various tradesmen over the phone , I began to see this seeming tact as an extension of that complicity I had long been aware of .
15 This is analogous to wandering around in a misty marsh in a river valley surrounded by invisible summits .
16 Training for nursing was on strictly formal lines , with great emphasis on turning out in a neat , starched uniform and on working to the rule book .
17 Dr Bob Holman , a National Children 's Home neighbourhood worker on the Easterhouse Estate in Glasgow , told a conference in London on growing up in the inner city organised by the Thomas Coram Foundation and chaired by Lord Scarman , that most of the 44,000 people there lived in poverty .
18 The mountain goat 's ancestry , as a member of the Bovid family , gave it a good start : it gave the animal the means of subsisting on the poor mountain vegetation , and it provided it with feet that could be adapted to moving around in the precipitous terrain .
19 There are differing opinions on opting out in the Scottish Episcopal church , with backing from the local parish and the education board , but a possible objection from Michael Hare-Duke , bishop of Dunblane , Dunkeld and St Andrews .
20 The acceleration is sensational and very similar to taking off in a piston-engined aircraft with open cockpit .
21 Layla has now taken to curling up in the cubby hole of the desk to answer these calls .
22 T was not the best night for standing around in the cold wind and rain ( OK so it 's undercover , but the wind do n't half blow through there ) watching telly ( and paying a fiver for the priviledge of doing so )
23 ( a ) The Agency Principle Section 5 of the Partnership Act ( power of partner to bind the firm ) states that : Every partner is an agent of the firm and his other partners for the purpose of the business of the partnership ; and the acts of every partner who does any act for carrying on in the usual way of business of the kind carried on by the firm of which he is a member bind the firm and his partners , unless the partner so acting has in fact no authority to act for the firm in the particular matter , and the person with whom he is dealing either knows that he has no authority , or does not know or believe him to be a partner .
24 But both had to give way to Larne AC 's flying doctor Peter Howie who produced his best ever run by storming through in the closing stages to grab the runner up spot .
25 The possible phonemic function of each allophonic description found by HWIM 's Acoustic Phonetic Recognizer was scored by looking up in a long term confusion matrix the vector of 71 phoneme labels that could be associated with the segment 's feature description .
26 ‘ Then let 'em come , ’ Lambert said , ‘ and we 'll keep the war warm for ‘ em , but for God 's sake do n't tell me I 'm helping to knacker the Kaiser by farting around in a clapped-out one-gun flying coffin , because I 've seen too much of it . ’
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