Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [adv prt] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The CPSA issued a ‘ hit list ’ of services earmarked for contracting out including 3,000 DVLA jobs , 1,150 at Companies House , Cardiff and 275 Welsh Office posts .
2 There may even be some good reasons for keeping out of this no-man's-land .
3 To be worth singling out for special attention , a semantic relation needs to be at least systematic , in the sense that it recurs in a number of pairs or sets of related lexical units ( it will be recalled that the expression lexical unit is used to refer to a lexical form together with a single distinguished sense ) .
4 ULSTER spacers have been shy about signing up for inter-galactic travel .
5 MORE than 12 years after teaming up in Heriot-Watt University 's volleyball team , two Royal Bank staff are once again in the thick of the action .
6 The only blot for scintillating Wigan was that Offiah handed Great Britain coach Mal Reilly a World Cup scare after limping off with damaged knee tendons .
7 Racecourse officials and race starter Capt Keith Brown could also face heavy fines after coming in for stiff criticism .
8 Aintree race course officials and National starter , Capt Keith Brown , could also face heavy fines after coming in for stiff criticism .
9 The day that made the appointment to see and Co , Nick after coming out of that meeting with Nick , we called in at the office , myself and my wife , and whilst I was tidying some things up because I 'd got the remainder of the afternoon off , Charles ' wife said to my wife , my wife actually broke down in tears , and she says , What 's up ?
10 After staring about for some time , they ran across to a little mound some way away and looked again .
11 Earlier , another Valli international , Geoff Turnbull , had hoisted the Tynesiders into a 34second lead on the second leg after taking over in fifth position .
12 Hill finished third in Montreal and is still without a win after taking over from 1992 world champion Nigel Mansell .
13 After dropping down towards Affric Lodge a good track follows the loch shore back to the car park .
14 Scarborough badly need to pick up points after slumping down to 17th place after suffering a run of just one League win in nine games .
15 After fighting back from that injury the unlucky England B player broke his ankle in the Dubai Sevens two weeks before last year 's Varsity match .
16 A concrete foundation is laid after digging down to firm ground .
17 After shipping in on local sailing schooners , 200 workers and piles of materials , work began on filling swamps .
18 Lifting a crop two weeks after burning off with sulphuric acid allows the tuber skins to set , which reduces the risk of mechanical damage during handling and transit .
19 Whereas there is a definite minimum speed for rounding out with full airbrake , once the glider is in level flight close to the ground , with the right technique the airbrakes can be opened fully at much lower speeds .
20 For most Southern advertisers and agencies , however , 1993 will be a year of hanging on at any cost .
21 ‘ And I just do n't see the point of pressing on through that muck . ’
22 The Progressive Democrats had been on the brink of walking out of Prime Minister Albert Reynolds ' government team over an accusation of dishonesty he made against their leader , Des O'Malley , last week .
23 In the earlier years , however , it was the first and the third that he most tended to emphasise — the otherness of God , and the impossibility of climbing up to true knowledge of him by our own efforts — so that even today his thought is widely interpreted as essentially negative , as circling ever around God 's ‘ No ! ’ to human presumption .
24 But the real significance of the demonstration is that for the first time high-powered personal computers are capable of keeping up with normal speech without … the … speaker … doing … this .
25 But the real significance of the demonstration is that for the first time high-powered personal computers are capable of keeping up with normal speech without … the … speaker … doing … this .
26 Time magazine was another way of keeping up with Western life .
27 You were sort of dallying about from one foot to the other .
28 And that 's the kind of singling out of one group of workers , and making a special case for them , that she really disapproved of .
29 Possibly their bruises were simply the effect of ejecting on to hard sand from a fast aircraft .
30 This has been reduced , and there 's been a considerable move in Indonesia towards turning over to sustained yield management .
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