Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [art] [noun] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 No Jan , I understand some information published from the company Double Day Research Association , erm including a leaflet and erm if you recall chair , we were asked about producing a leaflet for some time ago .
2 The Chief Superintendent is being posted to division after heading the department for some 2 years .
3 I 'm doing what I have to do in preparation for writing an article about some swanking brand-new media/cultural/trivial/not necessarily fashionable/musical/ now-and-then medical development .
4 The punishment oddly resembles the Roman way of purifying an army after some pollution : did the Achaemenids , who , as Darius ' Behistun inscription proclaims , ruled by the grace of Ahura Mazda , regard military conscription as a religious duty ?
5 The incentive for the NPA to participate in the negotiations was thought to be the possibility of gaining the release of some of the many hundreds of its members and supporters currently in prison .
6 She then remained in the office to continue with the task of checking a list of some sort .
7 In these instances the problems of balance are avoided and the emphasis becomes an awareness of matching the blocks in some way , and the need to encourage the development of relevant vocabulary is all the more pressing .
8 I had the easy choice of remaining silent , or the more difficult one of addressing the problem at some length in various publications ; which is how I resolved the practical difficulties .
9 I assume that what you are hoping for is not merely a simple yes or a no , but some discussion of the matter , and I shall therefore take the liberty of presenting the evidence in some detail and at some length .
10 Sir Reginald told me that on the night before U Saw went to London in the hopes of getting a promise of some kind of independence for Burma from Winston Churchill in return for full co-operation in the war , he had warned U Saw that the hopes of success were very slender .
11 During the course of negotiating the sale of some etchings by his friend J. E. Laboureur to Byard , a director of Heinemann 's , Boulestin asked if a cookery book would be of any interest at that moment .
12 The advent of the Arbortech Carving Competition at the 1990 Woodworker Show gave me the idea of putting the tool to some good use .
13 ( As a result of diabetes Jacky lost his sight completely in 1988 , after thirty years of carrying the bags of some of golf 's greatest names . )
14 Irvine and Martin have themselves developed a method of assessing the performance of some of Britain 's most expensive scientific investments .
15 But , despite throwing the machine round some corners behind the Old Kent Road , there is no chirp to be heard .
16 If one thinks of feeling a sensation in some part of one 's body on the pattern of being aware of the position of something , then the fact that position is not a quality will seem relevant .
17 Craftsmen with an eye to the future like Benjamin would be quite likely to make fairly late marriages — there would be a lot of saving up to do first , and the better established one was , the better the chances of attracting a lady of some substance .
18 The plastic monsters look like ruling the planet for some time to come with the mammoth film and merchandise promotion that 's going on , selling everything from dinosaur lip balm to brontosaurus burgers .
19 The plastic monsters look like ruling the planet for some time to come with the mammoth film and merchandise promotion that 's going on , selling everything from dinosaur lip balm to brontosaurus burgers .
20 It was like recognizing the germs of some disease under a microscope .
21 While many are praising the ruling for providing a chance for some to see such masterpieces as Matisse 's ‘ Grand Riffian ’ and Seurat 's ‘ Les Poseuses ’ without the required pilgrimage to Merion , Pennsylvania , critics of the decision are echoing a warning they have offered since the Barnes attempted to deaccession works last year .
22 She had slipped into doing no work for some days , would he look at it , please , as a kind of holiday — after all she had not had one since they had started on the course — she hoped she would be able to do better again next week .
23 He was wearing a variation of court dress — a coat of midnight blue which had no fastenings but which was secured by a sash of the same colour — which indicated that he had spent the morning in council with the civil servants who were charged with overseeing the administration of some aspect of the government .
24 He was once accused of racism for saying the claims of some Tamils seeking asylum were ‘ manifestly bogus . ’
25 It may be through attending a workshop in some context or other .
26 The specimens you were so good as to send to me by Captain Lyon would have been a treasure had they arrived safe ; but his ship was taken by the French , so those were all lost , which is a great misfortune at this time , when they would have been of great service to me , in ascertaining the names of some plants which remain doubtful .
27 Catherine II sharply increased the number , which reached about 38,000 by the end of the century , and in the nineteenth century steady expansion set in bringing the total to some 114,000 by Nicholas I 's death .
28 Lack of rigorous endoscopic criteria defining variceal haemorrhage such as those described by Buset et al , lack of standardisation for the time of entry , non-uniform management of the variceal haemorrhage during the whole study period , analysis of either the first or the recurrent episodes of haemorrhage and differences in patient sampling or variables recorded may all have a part in explaining the contradictions among some of the studies published on this matter .
29 Held , dismissing the appeals , ( 1 ) that , on its true construction , section 6(3) ( a ) of the Act of 1980 had to be given a literal meaning ; that where a school was over-subscribed compliance with the preference of all the applicants would necessarily prejudice efficient education , and in such circumstances the school had to have an admissions policy , which would inevitably result in defeating the preference of some applicants , whatever criteria were adopted ; and that , accordingly , since the school was over-subscribed , there was no duty on the governors to give effect to the applicants ' preferences ( post , pp. 100H — 101B , 106H , 107G–H , 108A , G–H ) .
30 For example , in writing an essay on some aspect of Emily Dickinson 's poetry , you might use , possibly in order of likelihood :
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