Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [noun] to their [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In order to encourage the internal generation a ideas , senior management must provide a clear mechanism for bringing ideas to their attention .
2 Some forty were arrested , refused bail by a puzzled magistrate and sent to spend Christmas in prison for drawing attention to their preference for peace and goodwill rather than nuclear threats towards men .
3 Henrietta 's frail constitution could not withstand the rigours of childbirth , however , and after seven years of marriage she died soon after giving birth to their son , John .
4 At its meeting in January the Scottish Sports Council took the opportunity of paying tribute to their contribution as members of the Council for the past two years .
5 First , and most critical , every manager must be held accountable not only for the work of subordinates but also for adding value to their work .
6 They were no doubt intended to operate principally on exports of oil but Baghdad gained a propaganda advantage from drawing attention to their effect of depriving Iraq 's population of imported food and medical supplies .
7 This publication would be especially useful for any student nurses ( and also trained nurses ) who are finding difficulty in relating psychology to their practice of nursing .
8 Despite the growing independence of the press from political parties , vestiges of 19th century practices remained as politicians persisted in summoning newspapers to their side of the political battle by whatever means possible .
9 Later that same year the London Ambulance 's new computer system failed dramatically throwing the ambulance service into chaos and , possibly , resulting in a number of deaths caused by the consequential delays in getting ambulances to their call-out destinations .
10 As our pupils develop an individual awareness of the world around them they are encouraged to use Art as a form of creativity and communication in demonstrating responses to their environment .
11 Although conceding that manufactures were in many respects deserving of the " high encomiums " bestowed upon them , a pamphleteer of 1782 went on to remark : Scarcely are we fed , lodged , clothed , warmed , without sending multitudes to their grave .
12 And there , over the tops of the trees that grew on falling ground to their north , there on the other side of the valley was one of the liveliest country houses she had ever seen .
13 It will include an investigation of the extent to which the workforce can stimulate employer interest by bringing possibilities to their attention through formal or informal consultation .
14 Mr Williams also denied he was part of a gang who had targeted the couple by causing damage to their property and had been chanting ‘ Norman 's going to get 10 years ’ at Mrs Roberts .
15 We have noticed that , by making adjustments to their diet , not only did they overcome their symptoms , but those who were overweight very often lost weight without even trying .
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