Example sentences of "[prep] [det] who [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Without insider trading , however , the position of those who sell during the time required for the price to rise from $50 to $60 is radically altered .
2 ‘ There was too much emphasis on how fast we could grow , ’ he says , but adds that the company is still turning down about 70 per cent of those who apply for an Amex card .
3 Other costs include the payment of sickness or invalidity benefits to those suffering from diseases caused by smoking and the payment of widow 's pension and other family social security benefits to the dependant 's of those who die as a result of their smoking .
4 It was not too surprising , therefore , that one of the King , s former ministers , the Count of Lezay-Marnésia , should allow his daughter to become one of the Empress 's ladies , though he could not have known that his gesture would be immortalized , for she is one of those who figure in the famous painting by Winterhalter ( now in the Musée National du Chateau de Compiègne ) .
5 The introduction to the book states : ‘ The artist shows us two ongoing tragedies in the life of our Indo-African-America : the internal divisions and the existence of those who collaborate with the invaders .
6 The introduction to the book states : ‘ The artist shows us two ongoing tragedies in the life of our Indo-African-America : the internal divisions and the existence of those who collaborate with the invaders .
7 The outlook is not entirely bleak and it is reckoned that of those who enrol at a clinic , for whatever reason , about 40 per cent will be drug-free within ten years , although within that time , too , 15 per cent of opiate addicts may well be dead .
8 This is certainly true of Mrs Wood and Things Past & Present ; of Scott Anderson and the stamps ; of Arthur Crawford and the plants ; and of those who help at the winter work-parties in the cellars where the books are stored .
9 Wasters , as old Sam once said , ‘ are their own worst enemies , though they are generally found amongst the ranks of those who rail at the injustices of the world . ’
10 At the last , immortal glory will be the reward of those who adhere to the Truth , whereas the followers of the Lie will be condemned to ‘ a long age of darkness , foul food and cries of woe ’ .
11 Photographers , video promo directors , copywriters , the designers of record sleeves and typefaces — all of those who labour in the field of populism — have also read them , and they are far cleverer , certainly far cannier , than the self-styled semiologists who flatter themselves that they are ‘ decoding ’ their products .
12 In the better hotels there is always a telephone by the bath — the sense of importance of those who soak in the provided scented foam being thereby increased .
13 In a radio interview of Oct. 5 President Taya had dismissed the idea of a multiparty conference : " It consolidates the success of those who shout with the loudest voices , the most arrogant lobbies , and the tribes with strong dependency on the outside . "
14 In other words , we are seeking to defend the rights of those who work within the Scottish Transport Group and to say that they and their rights can not be sold off like so many cans of beans .
15 The failure of ministers to persuade many of those who work in the NHS of the need for reform thus emerges as the key factor shaping the pace of implementation .
16 No one questions the dedication of those who work in the NHS .
17 It seems that the Secretary of State will seek to safeguard the existing pension rights of those who work in the subsidiaries by looking closely at the buy-out proposals and that he will not favour any buy-out proposal which does not give some future security of pension rights to the workers who will be affected .
18 the wages of those who work in the factories , and
19 Politicians also need to respect the motivations of those who work in the public sector .
20 Now a 3-year investigation aims to find out once and for all whether there is a higher rate of illnesses like cancer amongst the children of those who work in the nuclear industry .
21 I have a built in um caution of those who wander in the groves of academe I always feel they 're a bit divorced from the real world
22 I suppose it is an inevitable reaction of those who look at the world with questioning eyes , to regard everyone with suspicion and , after a whole day tracking spies on this spycatcher weekend , our senses were certainly finely tuned .
23 It is easy to assume that with so limited a population and tourists numbering a fraction of those who head for the sun , protection of the countryside is straightforward .
24 Never tell me you 're one of those pie-bald vultures who interferes with Nature 's design of life and death by forcing gruel down the throats of those who belong in the grave ? "
25 Graduates , whom Smith classed as gentlemen , and men of £10 a year were privleged to dress like their betters ; it is also reasonable to infer that a sizeable proportion of those who feature in the various returns as minor landowners were in effect ex-officio gentlemen , qualified by tenure of lesser public appointments .
26 Instead of being seen as fighters on behalf of those who struggle with the system , we are seen as architects and defenders of it .
27 It happens because , so far , each successive plan to dump or bury the stuff on the island has been scuppered by the opposition of those who live near the proposed site : opposition that takes , sometimes , splendidly Byzantine forms .
28 Those who know the Duke recognise his passionate interest in the countryside and the wellbeing of those who live by the land .
29 Those who know the Duke recognise his passionate interest in the countryside and the wellbeing of those who live by the land .
30 In spite of the fact that since the Clean Air Act of 1956 , pollution caused by smoke has been greatly reduced to the benefit of those who live in the cities , we must not fool ourselves into thinking that there is no longer any problem .
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