Example sentences of "[prep] [subord] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Other women came and went in his life after that , including Jan Parsons who would never have been heard of but for the sex-video scandal .
2 The judge was therefore at fault in considering that there was no need for him to pay explicit regard to the public interest in freedom of expression guaranteed by article 10 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ( 1953 ) ( Cmd. 8969 ) in seeking to resolve the uncertainty or ambiguity in the common law ; ( 7 ) in failing , as did Browne J. in the Bognor Regis case , to have proper regard to the public interest in freedom of expression and to the question of whether in a democratic society there really was a pressing social need to extend the ambit of the law of defamation to enable a governmental body to sue in respect of presumed ( and not actual ) injury to its governmental reputation ; ( 8 ) in failing to take into account the acceptance by the English courts of the fact that where a governmental plaintiff sought to invoke a private law right to interfere with freedom of discussion about the workings of government , the court 's approach would ( because of the competing public interests involved ) differ from that in a private dispute between citizen and citizen .
3 This brings to the fore questions of the planning and design of production systems , and poses the question of whether in a democratic society , the people who will be most affected by technological change will be able to influence its conception and implementation .
4 Instead he studied the reflections in the window ; the blurred beak of his own nose , that thong as if of an Indian brave imprinted across his brow by the absurd cap which he had removed at Crewe and which now lay among the cigarette butts at his feet ; the jutting shoulders of the poker players who sprayed their cards like fans beneath their mouths .
5 The white marble squares on the pavement glowed as if on a phantom chessboard .
6 Deaf to my shouts , he remains hypnotized by the contents of his viewfinder , which unfold before him as if on a giant cinema-screen on Oscar night , where he is an enraptured member of the audience , completely disembodied from this temporal peril .
7 When the villagers stared , they smiled and waved as if on a royal tour .
8 On the new album , Bring it on Home to Me stands out : mean Tyneside vocals and Irish pipes gloriously underpin the moody soul structures of Sam Cooke 's classic , the pipes taking off at one point as if on a Claptonesque guitar solo .
9 When the train reached Puno we left it as if on a military exercise .
10 He describes the reformation in faith , secured at baptism and by penance , leaving the soul as if on the very brink of a pit from which it has been rescued but into which it is in imminent danger of falling back .
11 He simply exaggerated it , bringing the ball wide round the tree on the wind as if on the proverbial piece of string .
12 ‘ You want to watch what you say , ’ he told her quietly , eyes burning as if with a long-term fever .
13 He jerked awake as if with a sixth sense as I paused in his doorway and said , ‘ What 's wrong , eh ? ’
14 Her breasts wobbled as if with a slow rhythm of their own .
15 He reached out slowly , as if with a conscious effort , and took hold of both my arms .
16 They wore their Sunday black and were climbing along the path over the hill , girding it as if with an emblematic mourning ribbon .
17 as if at a prearranged signal a chant began high up in the gallery : ‘ Fascism means Murder !
18 Then , as if at a given signal , they all take flight and head across the voe to their roosting places in the sea caves , where they spend the night , dry if not very warm !
19 At last , as if at a secret signal , people leave off their fur hats .
20 I can not account for its striking me more now than any other day , but it was as if new to me ; and I listened to every sentence he spoke as if to a musical composition . ’
21 Grunte who had , as yet , made no move in Hyacinth 's direction , adopted a joshing manner towards her , as if to a favourite niece .
22 Then their mood would change , and they would languorously intertwine and writhe as if to the stately music of a sarabande .
23 ‘ Of course they did n't say that , ’ said Nigel as if to an elderly sloth suffering from senile decay , ‘ but it 's no good me saying , ‘ Sinister , dexter , sinister , dexter , ’ because they wo n't know what I 'm talking about , will they ?
24 Alexei did not turn , but spoke as if to an empty room .
25 Some of the children had been brought by their parents , as if for a special outing or a treat .
26 Jack too felt a painful void — ‘ one remembers his old happy days , especially his puppyhood , with an ache ’ , and for Minto it was grief ‘ as if for a human being ’ .
27 Standing at the door with her knuckles on her hips , she bade me recline on the high wall-bed , as if for a medical inspection .
28 Pockets were emptied of loose change , parcels scanned as if for a malignant tumour and handbags rifled for evidence of evil intent .
29 ‘ It was a conversion experience , ’ he says , ‘ I had seen his carvings in a vague sort of way already [ Esterly was then a post-graduate student at Cambridge and surrounded by some of Gibbons ' best work ] but I found myself looking at them there in St James 's as if for the first time .
30 I felt myself falling , falling , as if for the first time , deeper and deeper into mysterious pits of passion and anxiety , longing and despair .
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