Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [noun pl] [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The station closed to passengers as from December 31 , 1962 although freight services continued for some months more from Hereford to Eardisley .
2 Nor did he fancy it greatly ; after some years away from Mrs Lorimer 's hotel and of looking after himself , eating exactly what he liked , it was hard to get used to her iron hand with a potato .
3 In one conversation Roger was accused of favouritism in the placing of some girls back in school .
4 * Where spelling is concerned , try to understand your mistakes in terms of the relationship between sounds and letters , and the construction of some words out of suffixes and prefixes .
5 Fighting my way through the milling crowds of private view enthusiasts which announce the opening of this years round of degree shows , my curiosity was aroused by the number of women consistently achieving standards of excellence .
6 To ascribe diagnosis of such cases solely to ultrasonography is thus incorrect as prior knowledge of the results of biochemical screening could lead to a bias in identifying cases by ultrasonography .
7 However , there is now increasing evidence that the impact of such measures alone on vehicle speed is very limited .
8 Series resonant versions of such filters together with sketches of their frequency responses are presented in figure 8.6 .
9 The pathological connotations of the term paranoid-schizoid are more appropriate to the reappearance of certain of these strategies later in life , when they become overextended from their normal place , and therefore develop as aspects of rupture , as when an adult attempts to gain power and control over another person as a substitute for the development of self-discipline .
10 All the relatives of a particular person of a particular age and sex can already be calculated to the 2nd degree of kinship , giving the age and sex of these relatives together with range of variation and proportions lacking .
11 You can use any of over 5,000 cash dispensers because Barclays belongs to one of the largest networks of these machines together with Lloyds , The Royal Bank of Scotland and the Bank of Scotland .
12 In practice it means that course members may end up teaching in any of these institutions either at home or abroad .
13 Done properly , it would allow governments to take control of the distribution and quality of these substances away from criminals .
14 Further impetus to the work in the coalfields was given by a wartime committee which once again found the maps of these areas out of date and recommended that the staff should be increased to carry out a satisfactory revision .
15 As a result of these meetings early in June Cork County Council began steps to take legal proceedings against Raybestos for the violation of the dumping regulations .
16 They say the servants prepare food and set his table every day in each of these houses just in case he arrives .
17 And are many of these houses now in ruins ?
18 We can do all of these things better with video .
19 Only the lowest of these shifts appreciably on deuterium-substitution ( see Table 5.10 ) , and so this is assigned to the Co-H stretching mode .
20 Only two years ago I myself wrote an essay which uses all three of these mechanisms directly about Rose of Lima : it diagnoses her ‘ problem ’ as a sado-masochistic relationship to God , it relates this causally to a religious culture which is viciously sexist and heterosexist , and it suggests that we deal with all this by growing up into spiritual maturity and putting such alarming eccentricities behind us .
21 A contemporary dishonest bill ordinarily involves not an exorbitant disclaimer ( although there are plenty of these disclaimers still in use ) , but a shipment that does not take place , or a vessel that does not exist or disappears without a trace after loading .
22 Given that there is little sign in early 1930s films of political comment disguised as fantasy or allegory , it is reasonable to assign limitations of these pictures more to filmmakers ' sensibilities than censors ' rules .
23 At any rate , that is what Eddie Stratton believed — believes , rather — for I learned most of these facts yesterday from Stratton himself , who is now back in America . ’
24 Given the above assumptions none of these portfolios apart from M can exist as they are all sub-optimal , being dominated not only by combinations of M and the risk-free asset but also by other portfolios on the efficient frontier itself .
25 ‘ I just wondered if we could invite some of these sisters down to Leighton .
26 Bob felt obliged to go and look at a certain number of these places out of politeness .
27 And Joe was so livid when he get in from work he went out and found them and smacked one of these kids nearly to death !
28 The most erratic variable of all is the far southern Eta Carinæ , which for a while during the nineteenth century was the brightest of all stars apart from Sirius , but is now below naked-eye visibility , though binoculars show it well .
29 These , as parents and pupils would tell you , include the equal treatment of all pupils regardless of race , religion or gender .
30 I wrote work instead of word ; the analyst would deduce from this , that I am lazy , and admittedly he would be right — I have dreamt of many things both by day and by night .
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