Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [vb infin] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Lockstitch is used to loosely hold linings to curtains and is like a long loose blanket stitch .
2 The inability , so far , to properly confront issues of race is largely due to the huge number of white volunteers who simply find it too painful to accept that , because of their culture and upbringing , they tend to behave in a racist manner .
3 In the longer term , provided finance becomes available , the Plan proposes a new Light Rapid Transit system to eventually run east to west and north to south across the city .
4 The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee , Mr Claiborne Pell , called the expulsion a ‘ disgrace ’ and compared it to Britain 's decision to forcibly return Cossacks to Stalin 's Russia after the second world war .
5 RANGERS , having won the Battle of Britain by beating Leeds to progress to the Champions League , begin their quest to successfully invade Europe against Marseille at Ibrox tonight .
6 Initiatives such as the ‘ quality alert mechanism , ’ which enables a quick feedback of problem areas from general practitioners to the purchasing agency , also have to be seen as straightforward and practical moves to better enable monitoring of contracts through the year .
7 While at the current time the main focus of this work has been to better assess need through localities , work is being undertaken to identify ways in which budgets could be allocated to localities and purchasing carried out at the local level .
8 And in the age-old tradition of sirens , whatever their sex , Zambia used the opportunity of post-coital languor , not to mention the accessory of intoxication , to gently squeeze Tammuz for information .
9 A new publicity campaign aimed at lightening the load of those who have to manually handle goods at work — the biggest single group who suffer work-related accidents has been launched by the Health and Safety Executive ( HSE ) .
10 Eastern Europe must try to maintain satisfactory levels of exports to the West in order to service its debt obligations there and satisfy domestic needs at a time when it is being pressed to greatly increase exports of manufactures to the Soviet Union to pay for increasingly costly imports .
11 Remember to always use simplicity in design and plant boldly in groups of two or three for a strong impact .
12 Calling Prolog , ‘ the applications development language of the future , ’ the initiative stresses its memory management facility and its compiler technology which makes it possible to dynamically generate classes at run-time without having defined them explicitly .
13 Even if it 's true that unrivalled new opportunities for AIDS study and drugs testing will result , is it morally OK to deliberately build disease into animals from birth ?
14 It used capacity charges to directly recoup costs of building plant , and then it sold electricity by the kilowatt hour .
15 The team modelled the relationship for the Sherwood reservoir so data collected during drilling could be used to automatically generate estimates of permeability .
16 Audio visual and special effects will allow visitors to realistically experience life at sea .
17 To really see Canada in depth , combine both of our tours into one great Canadian Discovery , a comprehensive tour of this vast country and its fascinating sights .
18 Of all the animations in the compilation , ‘ Two Sisters ’ seems to perfectly marry narrative with animation technique .
19 In this study we shall be examining crime , and while deviance does overlap with crime it is important not to simply identify crime with deviance .
20 And things like Time Out and so on , and City Limits , tried on the listings in the culture front seem to be seduced by , on the one hand , the need to simply provide information in terms of the listings , or then they felt some kind of twinge of conscience and had to be counter-balanced by radical politics on the other side , which produced a completely split , a paper that you could tear in half and read it as two sort of separate things , and erm and they always erm and something like that always felt
21 She used to regularly get tickets for Hancock 's Half Hour radio shows simply for the chance to see Ken at work — ‘ Men used to fight to escort me to the broadcasts . ’
22 I think Lazlo introduced this , to us , very refreshing sort of sound that he wanted to achieve and we were able at the beginning to quite take people by surprise with this what was described as a young , fresh sound , and we did quite a number of recordings .
23 However , it is not possible to fully protect files under VMS , and so there is a possibility that they may become corrupt .
24 Ceaucescu was unable to completely smother centuries of tradition .
25 The draw of central London is still very considerable , and it is doubtful that the pull of an international rail terminal itself is sufficient to significantly alter patterns of business location The Rail Link would not be sufficient to achieve this change in the image of and prospects for the Lea Valley implied by the Gateways scenario : it may not even be necessary .
26 For example , changes in the rate of taxation of company profits , or in the capital allowances which can be set against tax , are believed by many to significantly affect levels of investment .
27 These have been subsumed under a quality of work life ( QWL ) movement which in turn has been defined as a managerial effort … " to involve workers in management decision-making , to systematically empower workers in management decision-making … particularly as groups " ( Thompson and McHugh 1990:208 ) .
28 And in fact , even with as many professionals as one would wish it 's often extremely difficult to actually engage people in treatment erm , and the whole process of getting people into treatment or into health can be very difficult , both for the young person and for the therapist or helper involved .
29 Well I could I could er I could probably take on that task if you wish , cos it 's easy enough to actually write letters to people , cos I can just ask my secretary to do that .
30 Everybody is very concerned to actually get food to people who are really absolutely desperate now .
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