Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [v-ing] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The very essence of his buildings is expressed through intimately relating ornament to structure so , together , they create astonishing , tautly dynamic , glittering volumes and spaces for people .
2 This project will develop ways of automatically adding information about word meaning to computer readable texts .
3 Playing time is longer about one hour of straight playing time per side — but random access is less accurate .
4 His spare-time activities during these years resulted in various patents , including one from 1931 concerning the Baird TV system and one in 1933 for the variable density technique of optically recording sound on film .
5 In other words , instead of almost doubling year by year , last we are about the same , we have n't got all the confirmations , we 're about the same as we were the year before , give or take a few , about say five percent .
6 It was shown above ( cf. ( 45 ) ) that watch can only evoke a process of voluntarily laying hold of sense data by means of visual perception .
7 All the weeks of reluctantly keeping Yanto at bay , plus having her hand on a male sexual organ for the first time in her twenty five years of life , was too much for Molly .
8 He was charged with dishonestly obtaining money by deception , contrary to s.15(1) of the 1968 Theft Act .
9 ‘ The composition of the team , strengths and weaknesses of its members , and styles of leadership are all considered with the aim of moving from purely controlling activity to coaching and leading . ’
10 Is there any merit in actually archiving day by day ?
11 On Nov. 15 former Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams was put on probation for two years , ordered to devote up to 100 hours to community service and fined a token $50 for unlawfully witholding information from Congress in the Iran-contra scandal [ see p. 38521 ] .
12 The complexity of psychological factors involved in the AL of maintaining a safe environment means that publicity campaigns and health education programmes must go beyond simply imparting information about safety , realising that people often know what they should and could do , and yet do not act on their knowledge .
13 So it 's usually made by stoichiometrically adding water to ethylene over an acid catalyst .
14 The energy could then be used either to generate electricity ( eg in a photoelectrochemical cell equipped with a light-sensitive semiconducting electrode ) or chemicals ( eg by photochemically splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen ) .
15 A widespread myth among personal , personnel managers is that they can change terms and conditions by simply giving notice of intent .
16 The 1944 Education Act had avoided the issue of curriculum control by ambiguously dividing control of school curriculum between local authorities and governing bodies and ( reflecting the strength of the church lobby ) listing only religious education as a curriculum issue worthy of legislation .
17 The payment system has been oriented primarily to improving overall organization performance , by tightly coupling length of service to frequent promotion up a ladder of many small gradations .
18 Also in 1818 Coffey , by then acting inspector-general of excise , published his Observations on Chichester 's pamphlet , in which he restated the official policy but did not produce any very convincing arguments or evidence in its justification .
19 Where courses are offered at only one teaching centre , it would be possible to make significant progress by initially devolving responsibility for assessment only to the college , while maintaining for the time being central control of the course content .
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