Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [num] [noun] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This gives a time of about 1.3 seconds for head movements , rather less than a quarter of the earlier figure .
2 A prose passage of about 300 words for comprehension .
3 This kind of intelligence produces high speed copy times of around 50 seconds for format , copy and verify on a 360k drive .
4 Private hospitals are actually gon na charge women from outside sixty pounds for osteoporosis screening .
5 The visitors scored again in the 61st minute , a sweeping move rewarded as Williams timed his pass perfectly from about 30 yards for full-back Anthony Clement to score .
6 Multi-processors seem to be the flavour of the day at the moment and IBM Corp has been promising a multi-processing addition to its RS/6000 line for some time , so it 's not too surprising that we hear it 'll announce one in around six weeks for delivery later in the year .
7 Lord Justice Kelly faced a storm of controversy and provoked sustained public outcry last June when he sentenced the then 23-year-old Lisburn woman to just five years for manslaughter .
8 This plan underwent the full consultation stage and was employed for over ten years for development control purposes .
9 The fashionable dress varies , as do the fashionable drugs , but there are always at least two problems for society to deal with : the fact that these events are associated with the consumption of illegal and often dangerous drugs ; and the noise they make .
10 The sensitivity of the initiative is underlined by the fact that it took at least five months for Unix Labs and Santa Cruz to agree on a basic specification drawn up by UK firm IXI Ltd and edited by Unix Labs .
11 Each inflation was maintained for one minute and separated by a gap of at least one minute for inflation with the subsequent volume .
12 Despite the financial worries with which Coleridge was frequently preoccupied until the end of 1797 , he returned from Culbone with at least one cause for celebration .
13 Braille notices , ramped access to at least one bus for inspection , tactile displays and a visit to the Heaton Park Tramway to ride on a preserved tram on the park 's reconstructed tramway will be available .
14 These changes must form at least one basis for analysis of the proposed British PWR .
15 You both took at least ninety minutes for lunch .
16 English Nature , the government 's wildlife adviser , expects to recommend at least 20 sites for SPA protection in 1993/94. * Slapton Ley , a coastal freshwater lake in south Devon , has been upgraded from a site of special scientific interest to a national nature reserve .
17 4.4 The Company will place purchase orders with the Supplier for quantities of the Products as and when required , and the Supplier shall accept the same , provided that all such orders will be placed so as to allow to the Supplier at least 90 days for delivery .
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