Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [art] [noun] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But also , and more importantly , the normal upward movement that was for long the solvent for discontent has been arrested .
2 He was mad with anger and jealousy , so he locked her in the tower , with only a spinning-wheel for company .
3 This meant having to walk through the room on your own with only a torch for comfort .
4 With only an usher for company , he showed no outward signs of distress as he said : ‘ I had been in bed for five minutes waiting for my mummy .
5 He had warned her that she would be on her own , with only the butler for company , until Saturday when he returned .
6 Above , an awkward shuffle up a short steep wall deposited us on a flat-topped summit of the lesser Drug , with only the choughs for company .
7 Less than a year later he was embarked on a career which would take him from the industrial grime of Taibach into films and on to the West End with hardly a pause for breath .
8 But she knew at once why I had asked and went on with hardly a break for punctuation , ‘ Well , love , what 's with you ?
9 There are some problems ( smoking , nail-biting and so on ) which can be dealt with without the need for regression .
10 We even got the better of the 6th at last , with almost a tap-in for birdie .
11 The disruption of world markets in the aftermath of the war , the waves of protectionism and concurrent fall in export sales inevitably affected the Champagne trade as it razed other industries ; 1932 proved disastrous with virtually no buyers for Champagne .
12 With absolutely no respect for Charity 's privacy , Mandy waltzed over to her wardrobe and began rummaging around in it .
13 But for now the search for Planet X is futile .
14 There 's a regular traffic of straw from here to the west country which is mostly pasture-land and needs to order it in from outside the area for animal feed .
15 But it can place a large burden on operators and travel agents and any increases in the size of the bond are seen as likely to further the pressures for rationalization in the industry .
16 Since then the demand for cotton has grown and after a trial range , they now produce more cotton than wool and have even added fancy cottons to their range .
17 Discourse is reciprocal when there is at least a potential for interaction , when the sender can monitor reception and adjust to it — or , to put it another way , where the receiver can influence the development of what is being said .
18 At least the battle for supremacy was somewhat channelled symbolically into the race for the moon .
19 We have already identified this as a problem but at least the opportunity for manipulation was constrained by the time it would take to receive the invoice .
20 It is change , or at least the potential for change , which underpins any consideration of dramatic structure .
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