Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [verb] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This is essential for successfully addressing inequalities in health .
2 The very essence of his buildings is expressed through intimately relating ornament to structure so , together , they create astonishing , tautly dynamic , glittering volumes and spaces for people .
3 Review : By gum , mother knew best all along There are times when a doctor 's diagnosis is no match for widely held beliefs about illness .
4 The Ugandan government had suspended five of its pilots for apparently carrying weapons on board a Ugandan-registered aircraft from Bophuthatswana to Zagreb , where they had been impounded by the Yugoslav authorities .
5 After lengthy backbench Opposition speeches had stretched out discussions , a government whip just after 11pm moved closure of debate , which Mr Bob Cryer ( Lab .
6 ( d ) Horizontal divisions There are no clear presumptions relating to horizontal divisions between individually let parts of buildings .
7 ( Robert Rudhall ) Left : Beech 18 N8389H Beech Belle , part of the Bar Belle Aviation fleet , was runner-up in the Mike Twite Trophy award for best preserved aircraft at GWAD .
8 We interpret the bed-parallel discontinuities in the Thalassiothrix meshwork as representing the contact between successively deposited mats of diatoms , and the laminations ( defined by differences in microfossil assemblage ) as representing the deposits of different episodes of mat production .
9 Historical comparisons between the results of the few surveillance studies of locally confined disease with results of treatment studies are not conclusive .
10 Mr Darby admitted that the company had faced difficult trading conditions , despite successfully completing integration of Ultramar 's oil and gasfield interests and raising about £1 billion from assets sold off already .
11 Grand jury documents relating to the forthcoming trial of former Defence Secretary Caspar Weinberger showed that , at a Reagan Cabinet meeting in January 1986 , Bush had voted in favour of secretly selling missiles to Iran in exchange for the release of US hostages held by pro-Iranian groups in Lebanon .
12 Unlike my counterparts in C&P , my office does n't have any means of diagrammatically expressing ideas during meetings .
13 ( You might also try last year 's ‘ She who weeps ’ [ JMT ] ; the beautiful song New African Blues certainly received a deal of wholly warranted airplay from London jazz station Jazz FM and many people have asked me where it came from .
14 It is in Africa and India that one can still find patients ravaged by the late complications of syphilis , gonorrhoea , and lymphogranuloma venereum , and any hopes of eventually controlling levels of infection will almost certainly depend on paramedical or ‘ barefoot ’ doctors ’ playing a larger role .
15 In my research , I investigated the introduction of microelectronically controlled machines in engineering firms involved in what is called batch production .
16 Whilst the generation of numerically controlled tapes for production is usually separated off as being part of CAM , it is really the machine-readable part of the tertiary design phase .
17 Presumptions of legislative intent , which draw their strength from judicial perceptions of widely held notions of justice and fairness , can not in normal circumstances override the explicit terms of an Act of Parliament .
18 In parallel with the American emergency air lift recently announced , we are offering a supply of badly needed aid to Ekaterinburg , formerly Sverdlovsk — the kind of city of which my hon. Friend is thinking — and details of that British aid are now being worked out .
19 Reason , whether as insight into necessary relations between ideas , as in mathematics , or in the form of inductively based prediction of consequences , simply reveals the means to achieving what emotionally one wants to achieve .
20 Finally , I shall , largely by reference to these two Acts , share with you some thoughts about the problems of successfully translating policies into practice .
21 The final part of my paper concerns the difficulties of successfully translating policies into practice .
22 The process of effectively managed placements in business must be to encourage the development of a partnership which effects change in the classroom for the benefit of the pupil .
23 This member clearly intended the project to create a demand for the services of professionally trained librarians in project schools , in the hope that this would in time become a reality .
24 Pointing out that there have been blunders in the past through the introduction of inadequately evaluated methods of prophylaxis ( for example , oxygen for retinopathy of prematurity ) which , with the benefit of hindsight , would not have occurred had they been investigated properly , has all the conviction of a sermon in a secular world .
25 The consequences of inadequately treated infection in pregnancy — acute pyelonephritis and premature delivery — are serious enough to warrant a cautious therapeutic approach and careful microbiological follow up .
26 The size of commercially produced models for nurse education may be life size or greater .
27 The same applies to fulfilling the goal , worthwhile in itself to many , of merely having men in space .
28 The use of naturally occurring sugars in milk , honey and fruit resulted in cavities occurring at different positions to those in modern teeth ( Moore and Corbett 1971 ) .
29 One solution to the data-collection problems outlined in 7.2 is to supplement a corpus of naturally occurring speech with data gathered by some kind of experimental method .
30 By then the faster truck , La Resurrección , had pulled over and I had a blurred impression of brilliantly painted pictures of Bethlehem , the birth and the Virgin Mary as I passed it .
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