Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [adv] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah I 'd leave some for them instead of a tree .
2 ‘ We lost some very promising dogs because owners asked for them back after a fortnight , ’ explained the spokesman .
3 She washed a Cos lettuce , leaf by leaf , then patted each of them carefully with a tea towel .
4 He showed me photographs of them together in a boat there , on a beach , in a restaurant .
5 ‘ Do n't show yet , at any rate , ’ she said , ‘ but I ca n't have the likes of you here with a brat .
6 I only hope that you will never have to read this letter — not because my life is worth anything to me but because it breaks my heart to think of you alone in a world which I have found to be so harsh and unforgiving .
7 We feel we are very fortunate to have known Shanti 's mother , for we were able to tell her what her mother looked like , and speak of her lovingly as a person , not as the ‘ brown paper parcel ’ referred to before .
8 The gentleman thought of him only as a person , no more than one step up from a peasant .
9 She sat very still , eyes closed , as he examined the wound , willing herself to remain immune to his nearness , to think of him only as a doctor .
10 And then , then , I will restore him what I denied him , and graciously accept the proffer of it again as a tribute to me , so that for ever afterwards he shall know who is master between us two friends .
11 You 'll think of it again in a minute .
12 Some of it , notably the spa buildings and the generous park that goes with them , is down on the floor of the valley , the rest of it up on a terrace to the west , so that from the little square in the middle of the upper town you get quite large views of the mountains .
13 Henry thought of it more as a shrine .
14 I think of it more as a diving into still water .
15 I think of it more as a novelist might think of a bookshop .
16 Although we think of it now as a packaging material and the ubiquitous polythene bag appears to be a major support of modern life , its primary contribution was in the impetus it gave to the plastic moulding industry and the first development of plastic buckets , sink bowls and so on .
17 I copied it for you out of a book . ’
18 I 'd have done anything for you once upon a time .
19 If Marcus was sitting on his bed or walking about the room or looking out of the window , Ludens would sit near him either on a chair or else on the floor his knees up , his back against the wall .
20 Your worships , those are the circumstances I would ask you to bear in mind that this man a ha , has four summonses against him purely as a result of really ignorance as far as purchasing documents is concerned they were in order and erm he would of produced them had he realised what the officer was saying to him and er , that he would of realised had he not been suffering the shock , but he was actually sufferance suffering at the er at the time of the accident .
21 Your Worships those are the circumstances , I would ask you to bear in mind that this man ha has four summonses against him purely as a result of really ignorance as far as production of documents is concerned .
22 Chicken , I 'll be with thee again in a twinkling ; in the meantime observe the parson 's instructions , my little rosebud , observe " em I say .
23 The Sunday after they came back from the West Indies , he and Sara and his mother — who was living with them now in a room not much larger than a cupboard , although the view , as Simon constantly said , was staggering — went formally to lunch in their old house .
24 So including them here on a stock instrument represents something of a treat for the would-be vintage guitar purchaser who has been otherwise stopped in his tracks by the silly money habitually demanded for early '60s Strats .
25 ‘ You ca n't really believe I went to bed with you just for a story ? ’
26 They 'll be with you again in a day or two , if you do n't hold us up .
27 I says what was wrong with you not on a corporation t er a corporation bus ?
28 I am with you today by a miracle , you who represent international opinion , you who work tirelessly for justice for all and for fraternal solidarity amongst all human beings .
29 From then on she taught herself always to sit sideways or with her back to a person . ’
30 She was sitting with her back against a tree more than half asleep .
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