Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] can [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Help with breastfeeding style and position or types of teats for bottles can help the feeding pattern develop ( Lewis 1982 ) .
2 It is during the first few months in particular that these sorts of activities can affect the developing foetus , producing babies that may be premature , and with a low birth weight .
3 Repetition of words can create the same sort of chain as pronouns , and there are sometimes good reasons for preferring it .
4 The reversal of roles can cause the patient anxiety .
5 ‘ A good team of administrators can provide the logistical support and the efficient administration — the service element , if you like — necessary for the new entrepreneurs .
6 Norbert Wiener 's basic view is that the ideas of individuals can trigger the larger processes that lead to innovation by their influence on the ‘ intellectual climate ’ in which science , the arts and technology all develop .
7 Nevertheless , as the outcome if the Eastbourne parliamentary by-election demonstrated , a strong local electoral base developed over a number of years can provide the Liberal Democrats with the opportunity for a sensational , if perhaps transient , victory .
8 Lone mothers in other studies have described how their greater control of resources can offset the lower incomes they are able to secure for their families ( Evason , 1980 ; Graham , 1987b ; Bradshaw and Millar , 1991 ) .
9 If part of the deep ecologist 's rationale for saving wilderness is so that future generations of humans can savour the orgiastic blood of the hunt ( as Ortega y Gasset describes the recreational slaughter of wild animals ) , animal liberationists can and should unashamedly applaud the efforts to preserve , but not the reasons for doing so .
10 Not to exaggerate the cat 's breeding abilities , it must be recorded that from the age of eight until twelve years there is a gradual decline in the number of kittens produced in each litter , so the reproductive apparatus is beginning to show signs of slowing down at this stage , and only the strongest and healthiest of moggies can stay the full course .
11 The manufacturing of dividends can trigger the value-shifting provisions in ss29 to 33 TCGA 1992 , though s31(1) seems to confirm that a reduction in value of Target attributable to the payment of an intra-group dividend will prima facie not constitute value shifting .
12 In a climate where what is thought is less important than that it does not deviate from what it is ‘ correct ’ to think , the use of grids can illuminate the unique aspects of individual insight .
13 Again , I think such feelings are commonplace , especially in adolescence , and that they can become diffused and thus manageable with a wider context than that of the rigidly nuclear family or the rigidly nuclear community , a context where attributions from outsiders can modify the original ones and lead the individual towards a re-assessment of her/himself .
14 On the other hand , sometimes the drama of the auction and the competition between bidders can have the opposite effect .
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