Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] of the [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 The order was not one for the recovery or preservation of trust property but called for information and for copies of the defendants ' documents which , so far as compliance might incriminate them , the defendants were entitled to disregard .
2 Any one such focal place would thus have only one function , rather than the range of functions of the geographers ' central place .
3 The EC has suspended a grant towards restocking the Pyrenees with eagles and vultures because of fears of the roads ' impact on the birds .
4 By contrast , production by what became in time the Co-operative Wholesale Society is , in principle at least , under the control of the general body of members of the consumers ' societies .
5 People within the health and social services had been aware for years of the patients ' accusations , but nothing was done .
6 What is most needed is a clear explanation of the particular point on which evidence is sought ; the model form includes requests for summaries of the parties ' positions and suggests that relevant documentation ( court orders , pleadings ) might be attached ; but these should be restricted to matters illuminating the particular request for evidence and should not seek to rehearse the whole case .
7 ‘ I 'd come back from a trip to Australia with pictures of the aborigines ' match during the Bicentenary Day ‘ celebrations ’ .
8 The information stored includes names and addresses of existing and potential customers together with details of the customers ' operations and views on the customers ' credit worthiness , payment facilities , discounts , etc .
9 The team also spoke with representatives of the Students ' League and the Group for Social Dialogue , whose members included many leading intellectuals .
10 Second the fact that God 's personal self-disclosure in the Bible was given in terms of the hearers ' own culture inevitably means that misunderstanding may arise and points be missed when read by people of another culture who are unfamiliar with the cultural milieu of the Bible .
11 Since they can not be planned in terms of the students ' likely destinations , they must have some other kind of rationale or logic .
12 That kind of action is defensible or not in terms of the students ' civil rights , and in terms of the constraints such activities present to the civil rights of the general public .
13 Jane explained the difference in terms of the schools ' differing perceptions of her ability :
14 That is , to explain the experimental findings in terms of the subjects ' account of the experimental rather than causal processes .
15 A different view of assessment however , can lead to considerable benefits in terms of the pupils ' sense of value and personal motivation .
16 Overall , I am coming to the view that the main cultural element is the collective wish to have a non-relation , or at least one that is strictly delimited , between workers and managers and , in turn , between the worker and his enterprise except in terms of the workers ' culture which is one of withdrawal .
17 The Criminal Division also binds the Divisional Court which hears appeals from decisions of the Magistrates ' Court .
18 Independents won seven seats and two were reserved for guerrillas who gave up their arms ; it was anticipated that these would be allocated to representatives of the Workers ' Revolutionary Party ( PRT ) , a guerrilla group which signed a peace pact with the government on Dec. 28 and was due to disarm in the far northern province of Sucre on Jan. 26 .
19 This project looks at aspects of the migrants ' housing experience , using aggregate statistics to establish general tenure patterns and interviews to recreate biographical histories .
20 Bourges was a community in a vital sense , bound by rules of the inhabitants ' own making .
21 Payments to farmers and landowners to open up out-of-bounds areas were unnecessary , because many were already public rights of way , according to a survey conducted by members of the Ramblers ' Association .
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