Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [that] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For instance , Alex was shown pairs of objects that had nothing in common and asked ‘ What 's the same ? ’
2 It is only the natural caution of paleontologists that prevents them from jumping to startling conclusions .
3 A useful outcome is the third ingredient , for what would be the point of skills that led you to a useless outcome ?
4 Just to give you an idea of the order of magnitude we are talking about , the number of generations that separate us from our earliest ancestors is certainly measured in the thousands of millions .
5 The result is a set of pictures that expose her as a fabulous vamp with more definition than Wolf and more powerful pectorals than Panther .
6 Indeed the only reason that modern living things are able to survive in the presence of oxygen , is that they contain a variety of compounds that prevent it from reacting with materials such as fats : compounds that include vitamins C and E , and uric acid .
7 When choosing say , a new fridge , do we worry about the power it uses compared with our existing model , or do we go for the one with the clever arrangement of shelves that gives plenty of room for the mineral water ?
8 Is it the fear of wearing in that stout new pair of shoes that keeps us in our old battered brogues ?
9 Valdo and Romario soon defied the squelching conditions with a double exchange of passes that took them through the middle of the Dutch defence before the ball rolled across a gaping goalmouth with no one to apply a finishing touch .
10 Dreaming of moths that drink them under the moon ;
11 The report , prepared by the consulting group Segal Quince Wicksteed of Cambridge , says that international facilities can boost the long-term economic fortunes of companies that supply them with equipment and services , act as a magnet for other high-technology companies and generally raise the public profile of science .
12 For the ‘ Banality ’ show , Koons created a startling series of ads that showed him in four flagrantly artificial settings .
13 I 've worked at a number of occupations that put me into positions of possible danger .
14 He argues that standards may be rendered more precise by ‘ criteria ’ , facts that are to be taken into accounts but that ‘ the feature of standards that distinguishes them from rules is their flexibility and susceptibility to change over time ’ .
15 It was the wickedness of men that removed her from our care .
16 The sorts of premises that lend themselves to this kind of development tend to be your large country house type accommodation , miles from anywhere .
17 Starting early , I traverse the long ridge of hills that separates me from Isafjördur , arriving late in the afternoon .
18 By entering the forest she and Allen had launched themselves into a stream of events that carried them with it .
19 Kevin and his brother were putting back the whiskeys and talking about things that meant nothing to her .
20 What does Mr Hattersley know about rights that sets him above the wisdom of the ages ?
21 ‘ I like to provide kids with pictures that contain lots of details so that they can find something new in the illustrations each time they look at them .
22 ‘ I like to provide kids with pictures that contain lots of details so that they can find something new in the illustrations each time they look at them .
23 Club cruises start at a remarkably low price from Corfu or Rhodes with itineraries that take you to some of the most idyllic of the Greek islands .
24 They were rocket propelled bombs with wings that enabled them to be launched and to fly in a straight line until the rocket fuel was used up , then to fall on the unfortunate people and buildings below .
25 A ban on the import of veal from countries that produce it by a method banned here would constitute such a stand .
26 As an additional sophistication in Superman , both camera and projector were slung from rigs that allowed them to be moved too .
27 Products are sold in industrial goods markets to organisations that need them as INPUTS .
28 The building sits on bearings that isolate it from the ground .
29 She turned on taps that emitted nothing but a despairing sigh and she laughed .
30 It consists mainly of a diagram of the shape , plus figures that tell you about the sizes , stitches and rows .
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