Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [pers pn] be the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The main difference is in the language used to describe what is responsible for that residuum : for determinists it is the variability of constellations of causes in individual cases ; for indeterminists it is our ability to choose not to be predictable .
2 While it is undoubtedly true that there are advantageous settlements negotiated at the door of the Court , the actual cost to the defender in settling at that stage is significant insofar as in the majority of cases it is the defender who will have to meet the whole cost of preparation for the Proof by both parties , including attendance of witnesses , Counsel 's fees and so forth .
3 Nevertheless , in the majority of cases it was the women who managed the money by taking responsibility for day-to-day budgeting arrangements , paying the bills and organising the family finances .
4 It 's no exaggeration to say that I owe my start in politics to the G M B because after having worked , as Dick said , for the G M B for a number of years it was the support of the G M B which helped me win the nomination for Chesterly Street and in the early eighties I can remember when er the Labour Party was going through a difficult period it was officials and members of the G M B who were a steadying influence in my constituency , as they have been ever since .
5 If we are to use the metaphor of weighing , in choices of means the agent is the weigher , but in choices of ends he is the arm of the balance itself .
6 A former television presenter who hit the headlines amid claims he was the Son of God has embarked on a lecture tour to set the record straight .
7 For weeks he was the trouble of my dreams and it took real courage to go to see him in Attila the Hun .
8 For years he was the dean of biology , and in 1985 he became founder-chairman of Vietnam 's Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Centre .
9 I like Achille Tournier 's statement : ‘ When the fine eyes of a woman are veiled with tears it is the man who no longer sees clearly . ’
10 In some , the need for land was important , if not paramount ; in others it was the search for markets .
11 For mums it was the era of the cheap washing machine that would free them from drudgery .
12 DUNES : To most people dunes are sandy hillocks to enjoy a stroll around but to golfers they are the enemy .
13 His body clock free-ran so that on occasions he was the victim of a clash between an internal cause — which thought it was night and wanted him to sleep — and an external cause , society — which required him to work in the ( real ) daytime .
14 For Lukács it was the proletariat who were to achieve this praxis .
15 Ash is produced when the coal is burnt and has proved to be something for the salvation for many plants and animals the ash is so fine that it has to be turned into a slurry and put into the to settle out these can be up to eight years during which time it becomes none the less but an artificial mud flat quickly colonized by weeds , pioneers crucial to the complex way of life in our natural world But for bird-watchers it is the bird that attracted to these artificial mud flats that are the most exciting development within the boundaries of these power station nature reserves .
16 For some members of the Church of England it 'll be the fulfillment of years of campaigning , for others it 's the end of the road .
17 For others it was the assistance that was especially useful :
18 For others it was the handiwork of a god or gods .
19 For some , Satan is a person ; for others he is the force of evil ; for yet others he does not exist — except , perhaps , in people 's minds .
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