Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [prep] the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Many aquarium shops will sell these terrestrial plants but they are meant to be used as marginals outside the tank or in a paludarium .
2 & sup1 ; I want to talk about reactions to the report and to highlight a few issues which have arisen since it was written .
3 They have an ingenious device called a " lens ' , whose shape appears to be mathematically calculated so that it bends these silent rays in such a way that there is an exact one-to-one mapping between objects in the world and an " image " on a sheet of cells called the " retina " .
4 Your suggestions for improvements in the church or development within the parish will always be most welcome .
5 Has there ever been a tennis player that has written in to say ‘ thank you ’ to their fans who have stood by them through all their traumas and their losses , who have stood for hours in the rain or slept out in the streets to get a look at their idols ?
6 I 've been lying for hours in the dark and thinking .
7 We have a specialist eye unit but also the specialists work very closely with the plastic surgeons and we 're a major regional centre for operations on the head and neck
8 And they , they asked us about mines in the area and we said mines
9 But the main reason for Germany 's mild reaction is that relations between Germans in the east and Russian troops there are already so tense .
10 The party atmosphere went on all through dinner , prevailed through a short scene put on by Zak to explain that the Mountie had been left behind in Winnipeg for investigations on the ground and heated up thoroughly afterwards with more unsteady dancing and laughter in the dome car .
11 Therefore , please take this response as agreement with your requests for copies of the video and book and for incorporation of your company name on the end credits of the video and in the acknowledgements in the book accompanying the video .
12 Yachting journalists Barry Pickthall and Bob Fisher Ocean Conquest 24th June , £20 First printing : 12,000 PR : official tie-in for the Whitbread Around the World Race , promoted jointly by Little , Brown and Whitbread ; launch at Southampton Yacht Club with TV coverage ; competitions in yachting and boating press for copies of the book and a Whitbread product Serialisation : national press
13 The connection between rituals of the hearth and fire and the work of priestesses in a temple is a very ancient one .
14 This in turn raises conflict between sub-units of the organisation and there is a tendency for individuals to identify with the sub-goals of their sub-unit to the detriment of the organisation as a whole .
15 To repeat the border , as illustrated , knit four plain rows of black between repeats of the design and change the direction of the motif ( by turning the punchcard over to the reverse side ) on each repeat .
16 In these cases , however , the Central Committee will also allow reasonable charges to the Scottish solicitor for meetings with the client and minor correspondence to ascertain the availability of legal aid for the proceedings in the particular country involved .
17 Against this background merchants , or factors , trading a long way from their home base realized that the safest form of organization was to set up a factory or small enclave for merchants of the type that the Hanseatic League had maintained in London up to 1598 .
18 She even wondered if it might not have been Mandy 's laughter-filled anecdotes about summers at the lodge that had coaxed this deep ache of loss within her to the surface of her consciousness .
19 Second , the political bargaining that accompanies the definition of state enterprise objectives provides opportunities for alliances between groups within the state and outside it .
20 The Anglican clergy campaigned actively on behalf of Tory candidates , denouncing their Whig rivals as enemies to the Church and State .
21 As a cyclist who regularly uses rail to travel longer distances , I am concerned that the proposals to privatise BR should lay down the right conditions for operators from the outset and that any legislation involving the obligations imposed on operators should specifically mention the interests of cyclists .
22 The signalman went down the steps to search for signs of the visitor but there was no one about .
23 He meant to check the street for signs of the Corsican before he went to bed but he was so tired he forgot .
24 There is a natural tendency to call for speeches after the bride and groom have stood behind the cake to be photographed .
25 A major consideration for the teacher is to ensure accessible success experiences for the majority of the pupils ; this again can be achieved at varying levels with a carefully tuned balance between demands from the teacher and demands from the program .
26 Ultraviolet light has long been accepted as a provocative factor for herpes of the face and lips and many people find that their annual attack coincides with their visit to Majorca or trip to the ski slopes .
27 I , too , was studying Spanish ; but soon I had abandoned the classes for foreigners in the university and was studying on my own .
28 It has been used in jewellery on and off for nearly 1000 years , for crucibles in the laboratory and in industry for nearly 200 years , as a catalyst in industry for 150 years , in the electrical industry for 100 years and now , most recently , in modern metallurgy and medicine .
29 This order is consistent with the established relationships between subjects at the time that the scheme was first published ( 1876 ) , but produces some strange collocations for today 's literature .
30 They give factual information and opinions about aspects of the world and they are likely to contain some of these elements :
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