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1 In addition we are still receiving enquiries about prisoners featured in the first two series in 1988 and 1989 , and we have recently received a copy of a letter from Alattin Sahin , the Turkish prisoner of conscience in the 1988 , which someone has received on his release .
2 A survey by Jordans has found that the number of companies created in the first half of this year was 3.1% lower than the same period last year .
3 ( There are extremely instructive comparisons to be made between the films that make up Manvell 's ‘ Miscellany ’ and the ‘ pantheon ’ of directors listed in the first , 1962 , issue of Movie — the changes are an eloquently stark illustration of the massive reorientation of British film culture . )
4 The level of orders received in the first quarter worsened compared with a year earlier , but turnover in the first quarter was up to the high levels of the year-ago quarter .
5 Only 77 per cent of children enrolled in the first grade ( Standard Sub-A- SSA ) in 1985 survived into the second year ( Standard Sub-B — SSB ) , little better than the 74 per cent of 1966 .
6 For their second teaching practice the students will gain experience of years one to three in schools involved in the first three levels of the French for Communication project .
7 Thus , for example , the special study on the literature of the Spanish Civil War offers a clear line of development from concerns raised in the first and second years .
8 It should also be noted that although candidates may be admitted initially as prospective students for honours , admission to the honours courses is not guaranteed at the outset but depends on performance in classes taken in the first two , or in some cases three , years .
9 In March , seminars were held in Inverness , Fife , and Glasgow for co-ordinators from centres involved in the first year of the pilot .
10 The Steering Group has monitored and reviewed progress on actions detailed in the first Plan .
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