Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [vb past] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The search for counter-examples led them to the history of the family and of the primitive local community which they saw as kinship based .
2 I endeavoured to paint a picture of this scene , but again and again legions of midges drove me from the spot : I got a phial of essence supposed to keep them away , but alas ! in vain .
3 I loved it when a whole pile of notes met me in the morning and I did not surface till lunchtime .
4 However , the Council of Guardians re-submitted it to the Majlis on Jan. 24 , calling for revisions to be made to it .
5 The coronet is shown in loving detail as it embodies the moment when this family of merchants made it to the princely ranks .
6 A shower of jeers greeted him from the queue and , as he passed the last boy , who was just out of sight of Mr Gillis , a foot shot out , caught him on the ankle and down he went , sprawling on the wooden floor .
7 A variety of witches faced us across the TV studio and encouraged us by supporting our warning to the public to avoid playing around with the ouija board .
8 A relay of tapes filled themselves in the machines on the table beside them .
9 It has dedicated its Canadian historical collection to one of the art world 's more radical attempts to engage the spectator : one room mimics a nineteenth-century salon , with scores of paintings crammed one above the other to the advantage of none ; another gallery , devoted to the famed Group of Seven , contains a pew-like bench set directly in front of Tom Thomson 's ‘ West Wind ’ ( a national icon ) and two landscapes by Lauren Harris , rigged with telephones providing a soundtrack on the artists .
10 This was the first time I 'd been into a prison and a number of things struck me during the day .
11 Only 14 per cent of teachers wrote anything in the section provided for adding strategies used , but not already listed .
12 A pair of slaves threw themselves against the doors , closing them .
13 But , although they defended free trade against Joseph Chamberlain and the Tariff Reformers , most of the leading Liberal politicians and an influential minority of socialists accommodated themselves to the underlying assumptions of the new imperialism .
14 Melford and a group of bowmen greeted us at the gate .
15 Only a small number of men accompanied him into the forest .
16 The Master of Ceremonies placed him near the Great Mogul and a plate of freshly grilled lamb was put before him .
17 At one time , the Orphic cult of extremists regarded him as the Creator of the world .
18 She had no trouble in registering with a secretarial agency , and a variety of jobs carried her through the long , drab days .
19 A man in rags asked her for the price of a cup of tea .
20 But the sight of her in tears disarmed him in the strangest way .
21 Some of Hyam 's most impressive passages describe male bisexuality : in many of the cultures which the British conquered or governed , sexual relations between men carried none of the odium or guilt to which they were subject in the United Kingdom ( particularly from the 1890s ) , and he has unearthed much evidence of cheerful , matter-of-fact but discreetly conducted sexual relations between British men overseas .
22 He shrank against the wall , felt himself embraced by coats hung one atop the other in untidy layers .
23 The arsenic is now on its way elsewhere , nor is the shake-up ending there , as dumps all over Europe have by turns found themselves at the end of the latest ‘ lead ’ .
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