Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [coord] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The two main candidates had been Khasbulatov , nominated by the Democratic Russia group , and Sergei Baburin , nominated by the centrist Rossiya group of deputies and supported by the Communists of Russia group .
2 Next morning , Sunday 13 November 1715 , General Carpenter reached Preston with three regiments of dragoons and blocked off the rebels ' only escape route , towards Liverpool .
3 The fire had been started in a pile of books and spread through the assembly hall and classrooms .
4 Tallis mounted Swimmer of Lakes and returned to the south , kicking the horse , challenging it , urging it to run faster through the night , back towards the swirling zones of seasons .
5 There are indeed some paradoxical pains — that is , pain that is aggravated by the use of analgesics or relieved by the use of antalgesics .
6 ‘ Well , Jane , what is it ? ’ he asked , when we had left the room full of guests and gone into the library .
7 Blenheim in a couple of weeks and sandwiched in the middle are the European Championships in Germany …
8 This cultural context which affected attitudes towards the city and how it might be planned was built up from a number of sources and expressed in the literature of the day ( Timms and Kelley. 1985 ) .
9 His landlady was nervous of strangers and called through the door , ‘ I 'm sorry , Mr Ramsey is out . ’
10 As soon as she saw him look down , she made a sideways dive between a couple of stalls and crossed to the opposite side of the street .
11 Mrs Robinson was banished below decks and confined to the kitchens from which emerged a steady issue of victuals from forenoon to midnight .
12 The petition , which was presented both to the king and the College of Physicians and referred to the archbishop of Canterbury , alleged that Chamberlen had pecuniary interests in keeping midwives ignorant so that he could take on their difficult cases .
13 The first ABI effort encompassed specifications for character-based implementations of Unix SVR4.0 across a range of CPUs and converged around the roll-out of SVR4.0 by the then AT&T Unix Software Operation at 1989 's Unix Expo show ( UX No 255 ) .
14 These are as follows : ( 1 ) Once a Court Scheme has been approved by the requisite majority of members and sanctioned by the court it is binding on all the members ( or the particular class of them ) and the company .
15 Party officials complained of irregularities and called on the UN to rerun the election in at least seven provinces .
16 One found her beneath the lids of coffins and stretched across the ceiling of tombs , hovering above the dry bones of dead men .
17 Finally there is Passau , a city at the confluence of rivers and known as the Venice of Bavaria .
18 The High Court ruled on June 30 , however , that a pardon conferred on the Black Moslems at the time in return for the release of hostages and signed by the President of the Senate and the then acting head of state Joseph Emmanuel Carter , absolved them of any crimes .
19 During his last year in Fontanellato Don Cattahianchi had been woken up in the night on a number of occasions and beaten by the secret police .
20 The meeting , a lively and largely good-humoured affair , was organised by the local Council of Churches and chaired by the Rev. Ian Bowley .
21 The selected object is surrounded by a rectangle , which forms the background but does not necessarily have a border , and these tiles can then be arranged as required , used as fills or combined with the clipping function .
22 The Great River swept sluggishly through meads that were aflame with buttercups and dotted with the last patches of melting snow .
23 Suggestions for cover illustrations , with captions and labelled with the manuscript number , are welcome .
24 ‘ By the hairs of my ancestors ’ beards , you 'll be cut into collops and burned in the chimneys of tara ! ’ he cried .
25 She walked round the house , planning what she would take : this ornament to be packed in a shoe-box stuffed with wood-shavings and placed in the top drawer of that chest , that cane-chair to be left behind for the benefit of the Colonel 's successor , those curtains to be carefully arranged when the time came , with not more than one fold .
26 Any money saved from your family fasting on Fridays may be put into envelopes and placed on the plate at the offertory .
27 True , essential oils do not smell like commercial , highly synthetic formulae ; but once weaned onto naturals and drawn into the healing aura of essential oils , you will never again fall for the charms of the latest ‘ Henry ’ or crave a fix of ‘ Venom ’ nor even be allured by an ‘ Evening in Paradise ’ !
28 And before anyone could reply , she had dissolved into tears and rushed from the chamber .
29 Half the sum due should be converted into dollars and placed in the overseas account of Barone Bernardo Dulcibene in the Banco dell'Annunziazione in Siena .
30 In every case the money , unless it is stuffed into socks and put under the mattress , gets spent on some good or service and therefore , according to compensation theory , creates a series of new jobs in the industries providing these products .
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