Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [verb] in the same " in BNC.

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1 On 5 April , a set of fissures opened in the same place , and showers of incandescent fragments of lava were ejected .
2 Not infrequently , of course , the two attitudes or sets of circumstances exist in the same family .
3 By being doctrinaire and parochial , it is easy to have a whole host of companies competing in the same home market ; but how many will be effective ( or even in business ) in ten years ' time ?
4 As the vast majority of applications occur in the same peak period , should not people try to spread them so that there is not the same concentration ?
5 I BRING you today a hand from a recent teams match where the number of tricks made in the same final contract was eleven in one room , but only six in the other .
6 Problems may arise in respect of expatriates working in the same location on longer-term postings or even local company employees who are dissatisfied with their rates of pay in comparison with salaries and/or bonuses earned by fixed-term contract workers .
7 If both NL and LD , or if both EX and CS , are switched on ; only NL and EX respectively will show on the screen : both pairs of codes appear in the same places and NL and EX take priority if both are on .
8 Further scope for comparison is provided by groups of bracteates found in the same grave and cemetery , and especially between die-linked specimens .
9 From this he could obtain survivorship curves for cohorts of leaves born in the same time period and record some of the causes of death or damage within the populations ( Fig. 16.5 ) .
10 ( 5 ) In the case of an application for the grant or provisional grant of a new licence , the applicant shall , not later than three weeks before the first day of the meeting of the board at which the application is to be considered , give notice in writing of the application to every occupier of premises situated in the same building as the premises to which the application relates .
11 He is also required , not later than three weeks before the date of the meeting , to give written notice of his application to all the occupiers of premises situated in the same building as the premises to which the application relates ( subs .
12 In some cases within the present study the very close correspondence in the titles of some pairs of theses originating in the same university at different times ( e.g. see numbers 156 and 347 ) , suggests that such repetition may have occurred .
13 A more sensitive indicator of fertility behaviour is the average completed family size of women born in the same year .
14 Reicher , for instance , distinguishes between a perception , which is individual and often ‘ openly partisan ’ , and an account , which consists of events described in the same way by two or more sources , and which can be tested against ‘ objective ’ indices , such as , film and photographs ’ ( Reicher 1984b : 190 ) .
15 In a later study carried out with left-handers classified in the same way as before Warrington and Pratt ( 1973 ) calculated language to be lateralised to the left hemisphere in 26 patients , to the right hemisphere in 9 patients and uncertain or bilateral in 2 patients .
16 In the case of the job evaluation exercise this was achieved by producing a program whose function was to " translate " a proposed set of grade boundaries into consequences quoted in the same terms as those in which the management 's negotiating aims were couched : costs , grade changes , etc .
17 We advise groups or individuals that are producing work for publication to consult with others engaged in the same activity .
18 There are a few bivalves which are found in rocks deposited in the same sort of black shale environment that was mentioned above in the discussion of graptolite life habits .
19 This means that in the OED only cross-references backwards or to entries published in the same fascicle are adequate , and in the Supplement , only cross-references to OED , to earlier volumes , and to the same volume ( usually ) are adequate .
20 But what about babies born in the same city at the same time ?
21 Among carers living in the same household as the person receiving care , this difference is even more apparent , with 62 per cent of women providing help with personal care and 53 per cent being responsible for giving medication , compared with 43 per cent and 37 per cent of men respectively .
22 Rather , it consists of a culture whereby discoveries are submitted to peer discussion and to verification or falsification by others working in the same field .
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