Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 These features make the life of reconstituted families very complex ; they can not be seen as enclosed entities in the same way as cereal-packet nuclear families are .
2 UNTIL 1948 Hong Kong people were regarded as British citizens with the same right of abode in the United Kingdom as anyone born in Britain .
3 This technique uses a number of PCR primers for different organisms in the same test tube .
4 This experiment was repeated for different pellets from the same sample when fresh ( wet ) and when dry .
5 Such behaviour results from the importance of " league tables " in attracting further primary eurobond business and " relationships " with issuers , the existence of " joint demand " for different products from the same firm — and possibly also joint costs in the production of different services .
6 It is not uncommon for different members of the same court to be in agreement as to the contents of the procedural duty , but to differ as to whether they describe this as resulting from natural justice or fairness .
7 The reliability of a test is measured by correlation between the test scores , obtained at two different times , between different forms of the same test or between samples of questions in different parts of the same test .
8 The dangers of generalizing about ‘ apathy ’ on the basis of aggregate data can be further highlighted by variation in turnout between different wards in the same authority .
9 Not only is there a significant day to day variation in faecal bile acid excretion , but faecal bile acid concentrations may vary between different areas of the same stool .
10 Comparisons of the metabolism between different sites in the same patient , and the same sites in UC patients and controls were analysed using a non-parametric ( Mann-Whitney U ) test .
11 It seems that people take kin , and indeed non-kin , into their households in situations where this is mutually advantageous , but the balance of those advantages fluctuates over time , and varies between different localities in the same historical period .
12 There is also a wide , wide disparity in the paper qualifications of teachers between different parts of the same country or between urban and rural areas .
13 The notation for any given geographical division varies between classes and between different parts of the same class .
14 Bourgeois individualism has a long history of subversive bohemian variants ; and the struggle for control of the elements of counter cultural musical style was a struggle between different aspects of the same principle .
15 The design is well drawn , but there are discrepancies between different renderings of the same floral device , ( for example , the " poised " and then " aligned " nature of the four-petalled device on a squared background , which lies next to a medallion containing an eight-petalled rosette ) .
16 Language is made up of units that may be repeated sequentially ( e.g. papa ) or combined recursively ( e.g. Bill saw John in the car ) and so a way of recording competing interpretations is needed which distinguishes between different tokens of the same unit .
17 Effective implementation may depend upon co-operation not merely between the two ‘ levels ’ but also between different organizations at the same level ;
18 When considered as infinite series , these different forms may simply be regarded as different representations of the same class of solutions .
19 The idea was to combine the spin-2 particle called the graviton , which carries the gravitational force , with certain other new particles of spin 3/2 , 1 , 1/2 , and O. In a sense , all these particles could then be regarded as different aspects of the same " superparticle , " thus unifying the matter particles with spin 1/2 and 3/2 with the force-carrying particles of spin 0,1 and 2 .
20 Stockbrokers , politicians and company chairmen hanker after retail investors for the same , simple reason : they think they are chumps .
21 Observation of CGRP concentrations , before , during , and after hot flushes in the same subjects , showed a significant percentage increase in CGRP : 197.9 ( 40.9 ) % at the start of the flushes , 341.6 ( 126.9 ) % at the height , then down to 227.9 ( 46.6 ) % immediately after the flush ( p<0.05 , analysis of variance ) .
22 We have already noted the dangers of abstractionism in considering media modes , and stressed the importance , in the real history , of dialectical interpenetration , resulting in tensions , struggles and compromises between characteristics of different modes , between varying practices in the same mode , and between media form and musical content .
23 Do we not need to have real training for real jobs on the same basis as our major European competitors , notably the Germans ?
24 Comparisons between ethnic groups in the same country are , however , more meaningful as broad environmental factors are eliminated .
25 This does not only vary from make to make but between individual machines of the same make .
26 Beyond this , the circumstances of DRAs are extremely diverse , with considerable differences between countries and even between individual communities in the same region .
27 Each concept is represented by a frame , which contains slots that may be filled differently for separate instances of the same concept .
28 There were , none the less , one or two groups in post-war Britain that merit the name of coterie , if the word implies a repeated or regular gathering of like-minded writers in the same room .
29 In this sense irony is closely related to paradox , which involves the association of conflicting elements within the same statement .
30 Sixteenth-century towns do not appear to have had a solid group of stable families in the same way as so many contemporary rural parishes .
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