Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] to each [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The panel members drew up the report after extensive visits to each Park , and to the Norfolk Broads , which enjoys similar status .
2 Producing elisions is something which foreign learners do not need to learn to do , but it is important for them to be aware that when native speakers of English talk to each other , quite a number of phonemes that the foreigner might expect to hear are not actually pronounced .
3 They might find themselves having to issue a succession of fixed-term contracts to each worker , and having to take steps to include in these contracts provisions for their premature termination .
4 For a 1 or 2 per cent concentration , add one or two drops of essential oil to each teaspoonful of base oil .
5 Body Oils : For a 2 or 3 per cent concentration , add two or three drops of essential oil to each teaspoonful of base oil .
6 The repeated application of this technique of varied adaptation to each movement has led to the not unjust description of Clemens 's Masses in particular as sets of variations .
7 Brass bells hung like bunches of ripe grapes to each thigh .
8 Instead of a person looking across the room to the door there is a groping in the dark so that a painstaking progress is made towards the door through constant reference to each piece of furniture .
9 The first is not based on chant , but relies on a repeated and varying ‘ motto ’ in the tenor , with similar beginnings to each movement in the upper voices ; its authorship is sometimes allotted to Lionel Power [ q.v. ] or Dunstable .
10 The male has a more striking appearance with a richer pink and lavender body coloration , superbly ornamented with violet edging to each fin , except the tail which is distinctly tipped in this colour .
11 Sutton 's energy and commitment had bound the people on the Wapping Post together with fierce loyalty to each other and their publication .
12 Sullivan has grouped the papers under five topics , and has fleshed them out with excellent introductions to each section and helpful editorial notes throughout .
13 Recognising that feminist film theory , criticism and film-making have developed very much in reciprocal relation to each other , I shall try to sketch the major areas of interest and controversy in the past twenty years in Britain and America .
14 A special relationship between the two groups remained , and the physical conditions of the Greek theatre ( as it subsequently evolved ) continued to ensure that the two groups were never in actual opposition to each other .
15 Either the list can be presented in random order to each respondent or each interviewer has the list in a different order .
16 Geographically , the two banks of the Meuse stand in appreciable contrast to each other .
17 one should not confuse … two things : the fragmentation of social labour , which arises from the fact of the social division of labour on the one hand , and the fragmentation of social labour , which negates this very division of labour on the other hand … ‘ enterprises ’ … stand in various relationships to each other : either they are bound to each other by buying and selling ( heterogeneous enterprises ) , or they are in competition with each other ( homogeneous enterprises ) .
18 They did not express community , clustered around the green and church , in the adventitious manner of the true village ; they were drawn up in parallel lines to each side of the road .
19 However , if they are both read in close conjunction to each other , readers will experience strong emotions combined with a beautiful story , that they will remember for a long long time .
20 The first of these conditions is that the rules must contain in some form restrictions on the free use of violence , theft , and deception to which human beings are tempted but which they must , in general , repress , if they are to coexist in close proximity to each other
21 The classic example concerns various stages of the steelmaking process , where unnecessary cooling and reheating is avoided by siting these activities in close proximity to each other , usually under common ownership .
22 To increase energy conservation and reduce pollution , the report , Energy Conscious Planning , calls for mixed developments with housing , shops , services and workplaces in close proximity to each other , linked by high-quality public transport services , cycleways and footpaths .
23 Complete dry dog foods are complete in that they contain all the nutrients essential for a dogs good health and are balanced in that these nutrients are in correct proportions to each other .
24 In its latest salvo over equal access to each other 's markets , AT&T Co is telling the US regulatory authorities that the accounting rates — the amount the originator pays the co-respondent for landing a call — between the UK and the US could be cut by 60% : according to the Financial Times , AT&T says British Telecommunications Plc has refused to agree a cut , British Telecom says nonsense , we are still considering it and we will let them know next month ; transatlantic accounting rates have fallen by near 50% over the past two years .
25 Techniques exist for the ‘ stitching ’ of such fractures and they include a method in which groups of holes spaced at pre-defined centres are drilled across , and at right angles to each crack .
26 This supports two distinct modes of light propagation polarised at right angles to each other .
27 1 So that you can hang the pomander , wind two pieces of tape around the orange at right angles to each other .
28 The balance mechanism consists of three semi-circular canals , or small loops which are at right angles to each other , a convenient arrangement covering three dimensions .
29 There are two flights of broad steps at right angles to each other , descending to the paved courtyard : the arrangement is reminiscent of the Theatral Area at Knossos , though at Phaistos it is located in the north-east corner of the West Court .
30 There are three pairs of semicircular canals , which signal rotations around three axes at right angles to each other .
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