Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] and [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 EIGHTY years ago tomorrow , on the night of 14/15 April 1912 , the ‘ unsinkable ’ passenger liner Titanic , steaming at high speed on her maiden transatlantic voyage , ran headlong into an iceberg off Newfoundland and plunged to the bottom of the ocean , taking more than 1,500 souls with her .
2 We had gone through Mullinavat and came to a village whose name I do not know — if it ever had one .
3 Although he trained with the England A team during the winter and felt optimistic , he was in pain again before he left for Portugal and looked on the tour as a ‘ make-or-break ’ exercise .
4 Details of provision can be obtained from social services and from organisations such as Counsel and Care for the Elderly and GRACE .
5 She supposed that they had needed each other after Seville and slid into a love-affair but now it had faded …
6 Take the first turning left for Bouzy and look at the formation of vines on your right as you approach the village .
7 It was night when he turned down the A1120 , drove through Yoxford and continued along the winding country road .
8 It will be a non-departmental government body , accountable to Parliament through the Secretary of State for Scotland and funded by the Scottish Office .
9 In 1874 the Bishop of Beverley adopted it as a public institution and the Bishops of England passed a resolution to recognise St. John 's Institution as a Catholic Institution for England and to assist in the cost of its foundation .
10 He was responsible for the exploitation of the mineral rights of the Crown — for example , for finding , mining and smelting iron in the forest of Chippenham and in the Forest of Dean and lead in the Forest of the Peak .
11 The Forest Of Shadows encompasses most of the principality of Ostland and lies to the north of the Middle Mountains .
12 Emissions which currently amount to nearly 500,000 tonnes per year will be cut to 73,000 tonnes as a result of modernization to be carried out on the plants , in the towns of Nikel and Monchegorsk on the Kola peninsula .
13 He paused , looked up the street past Armstrong and went into a crouch .
14 Vic Wilcox has now , strictly speaking , left the city of Rummidge and passed into an area known as the Dark Country — so called because of the pall of smoke that hung over it , and the film of coaldust and soot that covered it , in the heyday of the Industrial Revolution .
15 The particular business can be briefly summarized as filling the vacant patriarchate of Constantinople , hearing the primatial claims of the archbishop of Toledo and dealing with the heresy in the lands of the count of Toulouse .
16 Under the patronage of Alfonso X ( el Sabio , ‘ the wise ’ ) of Castile a set of improved astronomical tables , known as the ‘ Alfonsine Tables ’ , was compiled by Rabbi Isaac ben Sid of Toledo and published in the Libros del saber de astronomica in 1277 .
17 " Too ghastly , I quite agree , Aunt Tossie put the empty plate back in front of Nicandra and moved towards the sideboard in a predestined kind of way .
18 With regard to what he said about Stratford school , if he had taken rather more interest in the school when it was in the control of Newham and insisted on the school keeping up to reasonable standards and if he now put pressure on Newham LEA to ensure that it raised standards in schools , he would be doing more for his constituents than he is by his performance today .
19 The trend towards a more nationalistic variety of communism , independent of Moscow and resting on the approach of mass mobilisation advocated by Mao , inspired those Korean communists who felt that this approach could prove valuable for their own party in the future .
20 It is true that , while outright military victory remained improbable , Labour leaders Toping for a German revolution ) resisted calls for the post-war de-industrialization of Germany and toyed with the idea of placing Britain at the head of a revolutionary European resistance to Hitler .
21 The core used in the magnetic sensor is made by Telcon Metals of Crawley and consists of a toroid wound from a flat tape , one thousandth of an inch thick HCR alloy .
22 The Taunton Commission ( 1864–8 ) was critical of the impoverished inefficiency of Thame and led to the reform of Emanuel .
23 Inspired by the martyrdom of Joan of Arc and backed by the forces of Burgundy , the French expelled the English from all their former possessions except Calais , bringing the so-called Hundred Years War to a successful conclusion in 1453 .
24 Once away from the railhead , however , the army was back in the age of Napoleon and moved at the pace of horse and man .
25 The last task of the day for the humanitarian branch is to visit the village of Mammari and speak to the local farmers .
26 The Duchess of Gloucester , as Patron , visits the offices of Counsel and Care for the Elderly , at 16 Bonny Street , London NW1 .
27 11 October : The Duchess of Gloucester , Patron of Counsel and Care for the Elderly , today visited the Counsel 's new offices at 16 Bonny Street , London NW1 .
28 Instead Athelstan looked across the river at the ships plying along the quays of Billingsgate and Queenshithe in a scene of frenetic activity .
29 In 1861 he was high sheriff of Surrey and served as a JP .
30 Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze , meeting US Secretary of State Baker in Moscow on Aug. 3 , issued with him a joint statement condemning the invasion of Kuwait and appealing for a global ban on arms supplies to Iraq .
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