Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [num] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile SunSelect continues to be skittish on any questions about WABI 's list price , packaging , availability or anything else substantive , ostensibly because of the gala rollout it has planned for May 5 at the 500-seat Great American Music Hall in San Francisco , having ditched plans to hold it at the giant Paramount Theater in Oakland , California .
2 The summit had been postponed from its original scheduled dates of Jan. 9-10 at the apparent request of the Libyan leader , Col. Moamer al Kadhafi .
3 In October the Czechoslovak government had formally requested the WFTU to close its headquarters in Prague by the end of June 1991 at the latest .
4 The London International Stock Exchange yesterday voted to bring the costly Taurus paperless trading fiasco to an end and kill the project , and the Bank of England established a task force on securities settlement following an approach by the Stock Exchange , to consider best way forward for development of securities settlement , share registration and share transfer in the UK and to identify possible alternatives to Taurus , having regard to speed of implementation , cost , ownership , governance and financing , as well as system structure , to recommend a preferred option and to make recommendations for managing its implementation and to report to the governor of the Bank of England by the end of June 1993 at the latest ; the abandonment of project , which cost the Exchange £75m and City firms preparing for it a lot more , cost 220 direct employees and another 130 contractors their jobs .
5 It will identify possible alternatives to Taurus , having regard to speed of implementation , cost , ownership , governance and financing , as well as system structure , and will recommend a preferred option , make recommendations for managing its implementation , and report to the governor of the Bank of England by the end of June 1993 at the latest .
6 It would assume presidential powers " until the necessary conditions are provided for the normal functioning of institutions and the constitutional order " , which would be for a period until December 1993 at the latest .
7 He first exhibited in England at the Royal Manchester Institution in 1853 and in London in February 1854 at the British Institution .
8 In February 1940 at the Labour Exchange at Devizes , I duly registered for military service .
9 He must have been working on it in January 1948 at the latest , since the book was sent to the printers in the second week of February .
10 He had narrowly beaten the Nigerian novelist , Chinua Achebe in May 1989 at the historic congress in Maastrich when the Soviet Union rejoined the writers ' international organization after opposing PEN for nearly seventy years , and the way was opened for the Czechs and Slovaks to rejoin .
11 The AR.III was successfully demonstrated in May 1937 at the Royal Aeronautical Society Garden Party .
12 In May 1978 at the British Golf Greenkeepers ' Association Spring Tournament held at Beaconsfield golf Club , he won the Wills Cup with rounds of net 73 and 77 playing off 12 .
13 Proceedings initiated by Finland in July 1991 at the International Court of Justice were formally discontinued on Sept. 10 , removing what had been seen as an irritant in Nordic co-operation .
14 But the cast of Wallasey Operatic Society 's production of the musical Annie , to be presented from November 24-28 at the Floral Pavilion , New Brighton , will have no choice .
15 In November 1914 at the Annual General Meeting , it became clear the Club had to abort some costly schemes and , although not blaming the war , it must have been the cause .
16 The market in government securities was drastically reformed in October 1986 at the same time as the general — Big Bang — reforms of security trading in Britain discussed in Chapter 2 above .
17 On the other hand some , if not all , of the silver from Troy 11 at the western extremity of Asia Minor was derived from galena ore .
18 At the beginning of July 1989 Soviet scientists disclosed to visiting United States congressmen and environmentalists the full details of an accident in September 1957 at the top-secret Kyshtym nuclear weapons research facility near Chelyabinsk in the Ural mountains .
19 Six soldiers are on trial at Belfast Crown Court facing charges following the shooting in September 1990 at the Upper Glen Road in West Belfast .
20 Prison Channing Wood was informed that , following consultations with the trial judge and Lord Lane C.J. , the Secretary of State had decided that the first review of his case by the local review committee would be in April 1995 at the nine-year point of his sentence .
21 It had been raised in international conferences in the late 1960s but was first officially presented by a Malaysian diplomat in April 1970 at the preparatory meeting of the non-aligned states in Dar-es-Salaam .
22 We hope we will meet members of the Medau Society at our 1993 Gymnastics World Championships in April 1993 at the National Indoor Arena , Birmingham .
23 With elections due in June 1992 at the latest , Craxi suggested that the socialists might not continue in the coalition until that time unless a new government was formed , and unless there was a clear timetable on such issues as the single European market and the fight against organized crime .
24 The Dalai Lama had said on March 10 that unless China responded soon to his proposals made in June 1988 at the European Parliament in Strasbourg , he would consider himself not bound by the five-point peace plan , although he remained committed to negotiations with China .
25 The launching of the United States space shuttle Columbia , due on May 22 , was postponed until June 1 at the earliest .
26 The ministers agreed to hold " regular meetings " , the next being scheduled for September 1990 at the next session of the UN General Assembly .
27 Meanwhile , press reports suggested that an explosion on March 10 at the principal mosque in Sana'a was the work of the Moslem Brotherhood , three of whose activists were said to have been executed summarily .
28 A Cakes and Wine Evening on Jan. 7 at the usual meeting place at Balerno High School .
29 Also on Jan. 8 at the weekly Monday demonstration in Leipzig protesters chanted anti-SED slogans and for the first time called for the resignation of both Modrow and Gregor Gysi ( who had replaced Egon Krenz as SED leader in December — see p. 37108 ) .
30 On Jan. 17 at the French Institute on International Relations in Paris Kohl made his first major speech abroad since presenting his 10-point plan for a German confederation on Nov. 28 [ see pp. 37025-26 ] .
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