Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The nurse who had been looking after Julie escorted her to theatre and stayed with her until she had been introduced to the theatre nurse .
2 His appointment to the keepership of Bewcastle brought him into conflict with William , third Lord Dacre , of Gilsland .
3 For his pains the House of Commons put him in gaol .
4 Steve Claridge of Witney made it from start to finish …
5 The mention of Frankenstein stopped me in mid-thought .
6 ‘ Is the Old Mother failing then ? ’ he asked , as if thoughts of Sycorax distracted him from tasting .
7 Friends of Piatakov restrained him from time to time lest Lenin discover the truth .
8 He pick a ball up Oldfield carried it along way with pace and power and then just kept his retained the ball for his side .
9 In February last year , lawyers in Miami indicted him on drug charges .
10 To make matters worse , some air traffic controllers in Belgium put him on course in a direct line with a heavy thunderstorm .
11 Here I need mention only that my work at the Staff College and the Royal Military College in Baghdad put me under suspicion of espionage , and that had the pro-Nazi rebellion of Raschid Ali of May 1941 ( during which I was given protection in the American Embassy ) been successful , I should have fared badly , as it was surmised much later that I was on the rebels ' hit list .
12 Their critical comments about Marxism-Leninism led them into confrontation with the college authorities , who failed to bring the students back into line .
13 CHAMPAGNE flowed and new coach Peter Nash was carried shoulder high by his team emphatic 29–13 triumph at Clifton Park on Saturday took them into North Division Two next season .
14 FIONA SMITH 's brisk late-night win over Helen Troke in the final of the English National Championships at Crawley on Tuesday established her beyond question as the country 's best woman player .
15 Yet his journey from the beautiful south to Corry took him through scenery which is today lovely .
16 As Rider Haggard 's novels about Ayesha presented her in part as a symbol of the ideal woman , so Masefield showed Olivia Stukeley in this light , as Charles Margaret saw her :
17 I 'm told it 's nothing personal ( it 's never anything personal in racing — a fellow who had just put me through the wing at Naas visited me in hospital to tell me it was nothing personal ) , but the end result is the same .
18 Robyn had somehow got into the position of cooking dinner , not wanting to admit that the simple process of preparing and cooking a meal for Luke filled her with dread .
19 Kennedy was through White balked him without question a yard outside the area and Derek White who was booked only moments ago I 'm sure could be on his way to the dressing room early .
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