Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [pers pn] is [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For Steven it is a second marriage .
2 In the View of Ireland it is the Old English beyond the Pale , at the end of Faerie Queene Book V , it is the spectacle of the feminine Envy and Detraction pursuing Artegall into the realm of the Faerie Queene .
3 As the Count of Middenland he is a fervent devotee of the Cult of Ulric whose chief temple is situated in Middenheim .
4 Along with Jack Charlton of Eire he is the only manager to survive from the 24 involved in the Italy World Cup finals just two years ago .
5 As for Aegon , believes that : ‘ From a strategic point of view , for Aegon it is a good deal , though in the short term , the shareholders of Aegon are paying price . ’
6 But it can also be a foreign world to us , and to those whose faces are set against God it is a closed world .
7 Like Piquet he is an outstanding talent with the desire and ability to win .
8 ( Interestingly , in the car industry , although Ford has never belonged to an association in Britain nevertheless in Germany it is an active member of the metalworking employers ' association and follows the terms of its negotiated agreements . )
9 To represent the dependence of the world upon God it is a classic error to suggest that it is like a car that requires an initial shove down the street and thereafter runs of its own accord .
10 In Europe it is a major predator of small mammals ( Brown , 1976 ) but in Britain its diet includes many rabbits and birds ( Tubbs , 1974 ) .
11 In Madeira it is a rare sight to see a cow .
12 According to Taylor it is the working-class element of the crowd , and not football 's new , middle-class supporters , who have the most developed knowledge of , and commitment to , the club ( i.e. they possess a true ‘ soccer consciousness ’ ) .
13 For example : ‘ We have done a careful costing of the advantages and disadvantages of choosing product A or B and the returns for A are 15 per cent better than our best estimate for B. It is a clear-cut case : choose A. ’
14 For Annabelle it is a second marriage .
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