Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [modal v] not [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The right hon. Member for Blaby may not like the idea of a European central bank , but he is clearly on record as saying that he believes that in this country 's economy an independent central bank would be a guarantee against inflation .
2 Lacking comparable communications , the northern division of Buckinghamshire could not match the wealth of the Chilterns and other arable regions .
3 Second , we should recognise that a two-party dominance in the House of Commons may not reflect the pattern of electoral support in the country at large since our first-past-the-post electoral system makes it difficult for third parties to break through into parliament in proportion to their support in the country .
4 Palafox was a great aristocrat , known to be a friend of the deposed Ferdinand and anything but a democrat ; but , as his brother made clear , the future hero of the siege of Saragossa could not master the people on any other terms .
5 Erm any strategy for taking jobs away from other parts of the country towards Harrogate will not solve the nation 's problems and it will not in the long term solve North Yorkshire 's problems .
6 The wreck of Braer will not cause the oil industry to ground its plans to expand .
7 Even India , despite her animosity towards China would not countenance the Soviet plan , and Soviet intervention in Afghanistan dashed all remaining hopes of rallying the Asian states in a broad Soviet-sponsored security arrangement .
8 I hope that the hon. Member for Sedgefield will not tell the House that he gives the Government credit for having set up the TECs .
9 The two wives and two children he left behind in Russia call strongly to him , and when , under glasnost relaxations , he gets the chance to visit them , the relationship with Katherine can not take the strain .
10 The government resisted this pressure , on the grounds that administrative action against the remaining communists in Romania would not help the country 's transition to a fully-fledged democracy .
11 The ruling conflicted with a declaration made by European Community ( EC ) ministers in May that special provisions in the Maastricht Treaty on European union concerning abortion in Ireland should not limit the freedom to provide information in Ireland on " services lawfully available in member states " [ see also p. 38942 ] .
12 And yet , other sites round Skelton might not have the same characteristics , with regard to environmental functions , in relation to the historic centre of Skelton , that these two have , might n't they ?
13 The assistance which they continued to seek from Austria might not tip the scales in their favour .
14 While Dr Higgs is excluded from Cleveland , other doctors in Cleveland can not discount the same thing happening to them .
15 His position after his return in September should not affect the assessment of his resignation in March .
16 On Sept. 21 the head of the IMF 's Interim Committee , Spanish Finance Minister Carlos Solchaga Catálan , had urged an increase in US interest rates , saying that " the financial markets of the industrial countries in Europe can not accept the benign neglect of the United States nor the monetarism of the [ German ] Bundesbank " .
17 So he asked if he could publish it on the morning of press day ; appearing in one paper in London would not undermine the American publicity .
18 Will he confirm that hoteliers and those who so successfully manage tourist attractions in Wales will not suffer the problems that beset their colleagues in England because of the Secretary of State for Employment who has suspended section 4 assistance ?
19 But the government proved it was no pushover when ruling that the Far North line from Inverness to Wick/Thurso could not share the new road bridge over the Dornoch Firth .
20 Even those of us who are keen to return the residents to London can not turn the clock back to those days , but I recommend Tower House to someone who would like to see Malmesbury go more gently into the future .
21 The company , which makes polythene bags and which also has a recycling programme , believes a plan by Germany will not help the rest of the EC or the environment at large .
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