Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [adj] [adv] [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 An English memorandum of May 1311 also attributed the difficulties of governance in Aquitaine to the ‘ arrogant presumption of the nobles and magnates [ potentium ] of the land ’ which engendered frivolous appeals to the court of France .
2 The fires of May 1862 only confirmed the authorities in their antipathy to students .
3 Dr Beeching 's famous report of January 1963 then opened the floodgates to closure proposals , battles by campaigners and , invariably , consent by the Conservative Government which , after all , was the architect behind Dr Beeching 's appointment as Chairman charged with reducing losses .
4 One of the Russian admirers of Peter I actually hung the Tsar 's picture among the holy ikons in his house and burnt candles before it .
5 The US Congress at the end of March 1988 allocated humanitarian aid to the contras which enabled them to continue as a force , but Nicaragua from May 1988 unilaterally extended the Sapoá ceasefire on a monthly basis throughout 1988 and for most of 1989 [ see pp. 36421-22 ; 36681 ; see also below ] .
6 A referendum held in November 1990 decisively rejected the proposal that the Governor 's power of veto should be restricted .
7 His first full address to the Central Committee in April 1985 again emphasised the importance of the 26th Congress and called for a ‘ steady advance ’ rather than a clear break with earlier policies ; the party 's general line , as he explained it , involved the ‘ perfection of developed socialist society ’ , a characterisation that was thoroughly Brezhnevian in tone .
8 Canada on Jan. 1 formally joined the OAS as its 33rd member , having held observer status since 1972 .
9 Following the United States invasion of Panama on Dec. 20 to remove Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega from power [ see pp. 37112-13 ] , Noriega on Jan. 3 voluntarily left the papal nunciature , where he had sought refuge , and gave himself up to the US authorities after being persuaded by the papal nuncio , Mgr José Sebastián Laboa , that asylum in a third country was not a viable option .
10 The Supreme Court on Sept. 1 unanimously rejected a petition brought by Sirimavo Bandaranaike , leader of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party ( SLFP ) , challenging Premadasa 's election in December 1988 .
11 Without waiting for a decision by the USSR Supreme Soviet , the Russian Federation Supreme Soviet on Sept. 11 overwhelmingly adopted the Shatalin programme ( itself a revision of a programme originated by the Russian Federation government ) for the republican economy .
12 Signifying that the Vatican had accepted the basilica in return for a government undertaking to spend more on health and education , the Pope on Sept. 10 also blessed the foundation stones of a hospital and a Catholic university .
13 Following an increase in violence during 1989 , President Vinicio Cerezo on Sept. 18 publicly blamed the extreme right which he said was trying to destabilize his government .
14 In a first move of this kind , the government on May 16 formally lodged a request with Syria for the extradition of Alois Brunner , who was alleged to have ordered the deportation of 100,000 Jews from Germany and France .
15 The Moslem Brotherhood movement in Cairo on May 8 strongly condemned the killings along with " similar outbreaks in recent years " .
16 Mubarak 's private talks with UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on May 17 reportedly covered the breakdown in the Middle East peace process , Soviet Jewish emigration , and the current state of relations between Iraq and the UK [ see p. 37332 ] .
17 President Jorge Serrano Elias on May 20 publicly dismissed the possibility of a military coup , rumours of which had been widely circulating in recent weeks .
18 In the meantime the People 's Assembly on Oct. 8 overwhelmingly approved the implementation of the new constitution as a temporary measure from Oct. 11 onwards .
19 Bosnian Serbian forces on Oct. 7 unexpectedly took the strategic town of Bosanski Brod on the south bank of the Sava river separating Bosnia from Croatia .
20 Prime Minister Itzhak Shamir on Oct. 7 bitterly condemned the decision by the US Congress to delay US$10,000 million in loan guarantees for 120 days [ see p. 38452 ] saying the action struck at " the deepest foundations of Jewish and Zionist existence " .
21 Russian President Boris Yeltsin on Oct. 29 formally ordered the suspension of the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Baltic States [ see p. 39110 ] .
22 The Constitutional Court on Feb. 19 also annulled the electoral results in the North African enclave of Melilla and ruled that fresh elections should take place there within six weeks .
23 The seizure of the strategic eastern town of Abéché on Nov. 30 effectively broke the resistance of Habré 's forces , who were reported to have fled in large numbers or defected to the MPS .
24 A UN Security Council resolution unanimously adopted on Dec. 18 vehemently condemned the detention and mass rape of Moslem women by Serb forces in Bosnia and called for EC observers to be allowed into the detention camps under armed escort to assess the situation .
25 In Sudan , Revolutionary Command Council Chairman and head of state Omar al-Bashir on Dec. 31 also welcomed the FIS victory .
26 A Supreme Court ruling in the case of Minnick v Mississippi on Dec. 3 unexpectedly extended the right of criminal suspects to have a lawyer present when questioned by the police .
27 The General Assembly on Dec. 3 unanimously approved the appointment as Secretary-General of Egyptian Deputy Prime Minister , Boutros Boutros Ghali .
28 Two weeks before the scheduled start of " talks about talks " with the African National Congress ( ANC ) , President F. W. de Klerk on April 17 strongly rejected the possibility of majority rule , describing it as " not suitable " for South Africa " because it will lead to the domination and even the suppression of minorities " .
29 The UN Security Council on April 4 unanimously condemned the " acts of violence at Rafah " and called on Israel to abide by the 1949 Geneva Convention on the protection of civilians in time of war .
30 Akau'ola on April 1 publicly denied the allegations , made at the end of March in an audience with the King and supported by members of the radical Tokai Kalo Christian Fellowship ( a Pentecostal sect ) who placed the four under guard at church headquarters , apparently to protect them .
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