Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [adj] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 To my knowledge , cranks and dreamers have gone around talking about and looking for Homo superior ever since the primitive times when writers still used paper .
2 As a basis for his performance , Crawford studied film of Peters staggering helplessly around the track at the 1954 Empire Games in Vancouver , Canada , unable to reach the finishing line .
3 The proposal passed its first and second readings in the European Parliament with minimal amendments , and was adopted in March 1993 substantially upon the lines of the text published in July 1992 .
4 Eventually , Eden resigned in February 1938 allegedly as a result of Chamberlain 's attempt to make an agreement with the Italians without informing him , although Carlton puts the ball firmly in Eden 's court , suggesting that ‘ Essentially … his departure sprang from an unwillingness to treat with Mussolini . ’
5 Some who had gone to Israel had been involved in protests from July 1985 onwards against the ruling of the Chief Rabbinate that they should undertake a " formal " conversion to Judaism [ see p. 34008 ] .
6 It is reported to have been used for surveillance of the United Unionist Action Council strike headquarters in May 1977 together with an infinity bug in a newlyinstalled telephone in a committee room .
7 Visiting NATO headquarters in Brussels on March 8 immediately after the Bundestag debate [ see above ] Kohl stressed that he wanted the unification process " to calm down and not to be so hectic " .
8 A bomb taped under the speaker 's lectern at the Royal Overseas League building in London was defused on Sept. 27 just before the opening of an international conference on terrorism which William Waldegrave , Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office , had been due to address .
9 A telephone call received by the Bogotá newspaper El Tiempo on Sept. 20 allegedly from the Medellín cartel had confirmed the kidnappings and included a demand that the government offer the cartel the same " political treatment " as that given to left-wing guerrillas in past peace agreements [ see below ] .
10 ‘ The 424 km2 survey was shot from April 30 to May 26 and the processed 12-fold cube loaded and ready for interpretation on July 18 ahead of the deadline to impact the location of the Lan Tay observation well . ’
11 Japanese Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu , EC Commission President Jacques Delors and Ruud Lubbers , the Netherlands Prime Minister who held the presidency of the EC Council of Ministers for the second half of 1991 , held their first formal EC-Japanese summit in The Hague on July 18 immediately after the London G-7 summit [ see pp. 38321-22 ] .
12 An army officer was killed by an ETA car bomb in Salamanca on Sept. 2 ; an off-duty policeman was shot dead in San Sebastián on Sept. 13 ; and a local policeman in Baracaldo near Bilbao , who had once been imprisoned for providing an ETA unit with accommodation , was killed on Oct. 21 apparently by the premature explosion of a bomb which he was handling .
13 The talks , which had resumed on Oct. 31 shortly after the congressional and gubernatorial elections [ see p. 38525 ] , focused on the possibility of a ceasefire , with agreement reached on 10 topics for a preliminary agenda .
14 He matches the description of a man seen on Wimbledon Common shortly after the attack .
15 Anticipating Kravchuk 's remarks at a press conference on Nov. 4 shortly after the Russian ratification of START , Ukraine 's Prime Minister Leonid Kuchma had warned that unless the West offered further inducements he would have difficulty in persuading parliament to approve the treaty .
16 Iranian officials rejected a report by the UN Committee on Social and Humanitarian Issues adopted on Dec. 4 together with a resolution condemning Iran for abuse of human rights .
17 Nevertheless , intercommunal violence continued on April 2 elsewhere in the " Autonomous Region " , with reports of various shooting incidents ; at least four bombs exploded in the region 's main town , Knin .
18 A government resolution which would transform the mutual debts of state enterprises into " transferable long-term bonds " , to circulate for a year until their conversion into shares , was put to the Supreme Soviet on June 26 together with the budget statement .
19 In that case the court has a discretion ( in order to avoid injustice ) to award damages at the higher level of £750 ( i.e. by reference to the market price at July 15 instead of the later contract delivery date of December 1 ) , Johnson v. Agnew ( 1979 H.L. ) .
20 SIR JOHN HALL emerged from the latest bout of boardroom battling at Newcastle United yesterday with a controlling stake in the club and plans for a complete takeover .
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