Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [verb] [art] first [noun] " in BNC.

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1 President Havel of Czechoslovakia became the first head of state on July 19 to ratify the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe ( CFE ) , signed by the six Warsaw Pact and 16 NATO member countries in November 1990 [ see p. 37838 ] , and which entailed sharp reductions in troops , tanks and weaponry .
2 The pattern of Europe was squarely placed upon the city of Jerusalem when , in 1100 , Baldwin of Boulogne became the first King of Jerusalem .
3 The firm of Longman claims the first dust jacket , on Heath 's Keepsake for 1835 .
4 Gold EIA went ahead to commission the Centre for Environmental Management and Planning at the University of Aberdeen to undertake the first phase of the EIA , its scoping .
5 The Wall-Paintings of Thera provides a first opportunity to see all the excavated frescos .
6 Thus the Book of Daniel provides the first intimation of that apocalyptic interpretation of contemporary struggles which was to become an ordinary feature of the later rebellions of the Jews against foreign rule .
7 By the time of the Treaty of Vienna and the Concert of Europe , such a system had become formalized , and the Treaty of Versailles following the First World War brought in many more participants ( and took power to create new States , like Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia ) .
8 In 1977 a female student at the University of Missouri became the first patient to be turned from a woman to a man by means of surgery .
9 THE Princess of Wales faced the first day of her formal separation with a composure and dignity which never slipped .
10 Though he recalled once scoring a hat-trick for Toronto Blizzard , Nicholl 's two goals against Dunfermline marked the first time in his senior career that the Irishman had notched a double in top-class football .
11 In 1988 , Andrei Kataev and two other physicists at the Institute of Nuclear Research in Moscow published the first calculation for routes which involve three gluons ( Physics Letters B , vol 212 , p 238 ) .
12 Macedonia , which in January took the first steps towards independence [ see p. 38704 ] , faced hostility from Greece which felt that its name implied a territorial claim on the northern Greek province of Macedonia .
13 In July came the first visit from the phantom night hound .
14 After four hours ' play of the sixth round Martin showed the first sign of faltering as he slipped into a bad position against fellow Australian grandmaster Ian Rogers , who is in joint second place with Miles on 4/5 in third place .
15 The Club and Institute Union was officially formed in London on June 14 , 1862 and a few months later Henry Solly resigned his pulpit at the English Presbyterian Church in Lancaster to become the first fulltime paid secretary of the Union .
16 Fascism was a product of the deep-rooted social and economic crisis which developed in Europe following the First World War ; a period which saw high unemployment , inflation and social instability .
17 from Knapton becomes a first aid ‘ victim ’ for his father , , in the Fancy Dress .
18 Sharif was also one of the main organizers of a rally held on Aug. 17 , 1989 , in Islamabad to mark the first anniversary of Zia 's death .
19 In Wardington take the first turn to the left on entering the village , it is signposted to ‘ Edgcote ’ .
20 Top : Mother and son of ‘ disappeared ’ Pineda Henestrosa , in Mexico ; bottom : Prayer in Santiago Atitlan in Guatemala to mark the first anniversary of the massacre of 15 Tzutuhil Indians
21 It was reported in August that a ship had left for France to collect a first consignment [ see ED 62 ] .
22 A UK Foreign Ministry spokesperson responded on the same day by saying that it was for Iran to make the first gesture and that the UK would " not accept Iranian intervention in [ its ] internal affairs " .
23 But because of his private trainer status Sibton Abbey 's win on Saturday marked the first time Murphy 's name had been credited as trainer of a big race winner .
24 It was completed by Justinian and dedicated to S. Apollinare the first Bishop of Ravenna .
25 Architects and craftsmen came to Russia to build the first churches and to share their experience with the Russians .
26 He then went back to Prague to recruit the first Kindertransport to take to the air .
27 I managed to win a couple of quid on Deano to score the first goal , at odds of 7–1 .
28 Helicopter to Paris to discuss the first Carter Autumn Collection .
29 That great British trouper , Tommy Steele , now aged 56 , will on Wednesday become the first non-Scandinavian to receive the Hans Christian Andersen Award since it was established by the Hans Christian Andersen Committee three years ago .
30 He had decided to do nothing further for the present and leave it to Berowne to make the first move .
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