Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [verb] [adj] [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The people of Scotland considered these eight options and duly replied with ninety percent of the rep replies including Tory councillors , and Tor Tor and some Tory , Tory-run councils , totally rejecting any form of water privatization in Scotland .
2 The East German power station of Janschwalde burns 30 million tonnes of coal per year and annually emits as much sulphur dioxide as Sweden .
3 According to Patrick Forbes , in Champagne , the abbey of Hautvillers owned one hundred arpents ( an arpent is an old French measure which varied in size between thirty-five and fifty ares ) of vineyards some thirty years before Dom Pérignon 's time and this estate would have certainly increased in his lifetime .
4 The Shropshire parish of Myddle lies some 160 miles away from London but at least fifteen of the ninety-one families that paid the hearth tax there in 1672 had one member or more who had been to the capital city .
5 ‘ In 1346 the population of Europe comprised eighty million people , and was growing at a rapid rate .
6 The story of Jacob 's marriage to Leah and Rachel had also been used since the time of Augustine to symbolise these two ways of Christian living ; the fundamental activities necessary to the well-being of society being represented by Leah , contemplative knowledge of the love that is the ground for these activities by Rachel .
7 The Bristol branch of Asda had all 27 checkouts open to cope with queues 10 people deep .
8 Twoflower could read them clearly , and they said : Traveller , the hospitable temple of Bel-Shamharoth lies one thousand paces Hubwards .
9 Gramsci argued , like Banfield did some thirty years later , with a direct political aim , but in Gramsci 's case the problem was to develop a political strategy for the Communists adequate to the conditions in the rural , clerical-dominated and agricultural south , as well as to the conditions in the much more urban , secular and industrialised north of Italy .
10 By 1962 , while trade with Asia reached 636 million rubles , and with Africa 265 million rubles , it was still only 96 million rubles with Latin America ( excluding Cuba ) ( Mirovaia ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia , no. 3 , 1964 , p. 87 ) .
11 And a businessman in Middlesbrough threw eight thousand pounds to masked raiders who rammed his car .
12 Tennessee Eastman , a branch of Kodak , will shortly commission a plant in Tennessee to make 225 million kilograms a year of acetic anhydride from coal .
13 The station had a shaky launch in January losing two million viewers in its early weeks and the increases are put down to a revamped style and change of presenters .
14 THE station taking over from Thames inherits 10.6 million viewers and promises a strong blend of drama and comedy .
15 For example , a shop in London contained several hundred books from the Loughborough School of Librarianship .
16 On April 8 some 15,000-30,000 attended the Leipzig demonstration , when a minute 's silence was observed for Rohwedder ; the number of protestors dwindled in subsequent weeks , although a rally organized by IG Metall on April 17 at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin attracted some 30,000 people .
17 Heineken on Friday recalled three million bottles of Export Lager in eight countries when splinters were found in a drink at an Amsterdam brewery during a routine check .
18 This unpretentious hotel is one of the newest in Sri Lanka , and is situated on Kalutara beach some 30 miles south of Columbo .
19 The human rights organization Amnesty International on Dec. 10 issued a report on Myanma listing some 200 people arrested in the country during the first seven months of 1991 , nearly 40 of whom had been sentenced to long prison terms after " blatantly unfair " trials .
20 Only one out of eight men employed to carry coals , mine and sows of iron at Robertsbridge worked all 140 days of the campaign in 1542 — 3 , the remainder putting in anything from two to forty-eight .
21 With the new M & B Research Institute being built at Dagenham to house some 350 scientists , Barber was appointed research controller , a post he held until his retirement .
22 A POISONOUS cocktail of chemicals which found its way into the River Wey at Alton killed some 100 fish .
23 The dressing-gown on the back of the door had been bought by Helen to replace one twenty-five years old .
24 The British Museum 's collection , much of which was collected last century or in the early half of this century , was shown by TL to contain some twenty forgeries , most of which had , in recent years , been suspected to be modern .
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